Adam Warlock - Yondu Voltron

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SpydrPg · 8

This deck utilizes Adam Warlock's unique deck-building requirements to create a very powerful Yondu ally. With his upgrades, Yondu will have 5 attack with piercing, overkill, and ranged. This allows him to defeat most minions on his own, allowing Adam Warlock to focus on threat removal and villain damage.


  1. Played with "Valkyrie - Events/Never Defend" against Standard Zola with the Master of Time modular.


  1. Prioritize playing Yondu and his upgrades (Energy Spear, Inspired, and Laser Blaster). Beyond that, standard Adam Warlock upgrades - Mystic Senses, Warlock's Cape, and Soul World - should take priority as well.
  2. In conjuction with his cape, playing Combat Training and Heroic Intuition gives Adam Warlock a 2/2/2 statline and a lot of flexibility to tackle various challenges.
  3. Use "Think Fast!" to flip to Alter-Ego for free, preferably when Soul World has a counter.

Deck Downsides:

  1. Can take time to get Yondu set up.
  2. Due to numerous upgrades, you'll need to balance playing them versus utilizes immediate-impact events.
  3. Risk discarding important upgrades due to deck discarding events.

Potential Card Swaps:

  1. Consider swapping "Think Fast!" for Sonic Rifle for a more reliable Confuse status applicator.
  2. Consider replacing Avengers Mansion with Endurance as best value for Avengers Mansion is playing it in first turn or two. Endurance can help sustain Hero side long enough to work through deck to get a Soul World counter before flipping to Alter-Ego.