Iron Man for Justice - My first deck-construction

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

angie666 · 4

Iron Man needs his time to setup his gear. So in the first rounds of the game, be sure to control the thread and try to get the tech cards out as soon as possible. Stark Tower is helping you with getting the right cards back of the discard pile. Also Tony Starks action helps you, to get the right cards into your hand. In combination with Stark Tower you could also discard a tech card for another card, to get it back with it.

If the thread is increasing too fast, don't worry to switch to your hero form. If you have Avengers Mansion and Stark Tower in play, you can get more cards in your next round, once you switch back to your alter-ego form.

Stark Tower is a very good source for drawing tech cards back from the discard pile. But it's also helpful, if you need more cards in hand to pay other cards.

Daredevil is quite expensive but once you have him in play, he is good in reducing thread. In combination with First Aid, you can also heal him and keep him alive longer.

War Machine is a must have when there are more minions engaged with you. Also here, the combination with First Aid is amazing.

Repulsor Blast in combination with much in this deck works well. The possibility to draw a few is increased, because of my energy-based deck.

Enhanced Awareness is a good combo with For Justice! and Rocket Boots.

Version 2.0: Added more First Aid cards and removed 2x Concussive Blow.