Spectrum - Perfected

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Spectrum (personal) 1 1 0 1.0

MiguelCantillo3 · 12025

English / Spanish

                  I appreciate a like!

Tested with Thanos and Nebula in expert mode. The idea was developed in Spectrum because it's the only air character to include an air ally (Blue Marvel).


It was added:

It was deleted:

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Objective of the Deck and Cards:

Main objectives:

  1. Keep Cloud 9 next to Sky Cycle adding +2 INT to all air characters including Spectrum for the entire game (+3 INT via Falcon).
  2. Play the 7 allies through Team-Building Exercise together with the three copies of Air Supremacy and Quinjet.
  3. Perform 3 to 12 damage for 2 resources thanks to Air Supremacy.

Secondary Objectives:

  1. Maximize energy resources for Falcon.
  2. To deal 3 damage and stun the villain via Captain Marvel.
  3. To heal Spectrum repeatedly through Adam Warlock.

Due to the high number of allies with the air trait and being the target of the trait, three copies of Air Supremacy were included.

During the testing of the deck I was able to see despite how much criticism it has been, how Snowguard is an excellent option. Since most of the time all characters get +2 INT, and even +3 INT via Falcon. Adding two counters on Snowguard and giving it aerial trait allows you to remove 15-18 threat, being more than efficient for the 4 resources the ally costs.

In turn, thanks to the high number of energy resources I would like to highlight Adam Warlock, being able to INT of 3 and heal 3 damage to Spectrum for a single resource, just by finishing the turn with a single card with an energy resource in our hand.

It should be noted that at all times the aim was to increase the maximum number of energy resources to empower Captain Marvel and deal 3 damage and stun an enemy. Also, knowing that Spectrum can change energy forms as many times as his cards allow him and having, in turn, 13 cards to do so, in addition to ensuring that one of his stats is always 3 (3 INT/ 3 ATK/ 3 DEF for 1 resource), three copies of Ready to Rumble were included.

I would like to clarify that Ready to Rumble is the best adapted card for Spectrum, although Vision also has that special facility for changing However, Vision's basic stats don't make it particularly attractive to set up.

Therefore, empowering Captain Marvel with energy resources included three copies of Ready to Rumble; Deft Focus by presenting 11 superpower cards and 3 more with a chance to have them with (Speed ​​of Light); three Quinjet to play the same Captain Marvel, Blue Marvel or Falcon can be played, in addition , with Team-Building Exercise; and an extra copy of Sky Cycle as it turns out to be so important.

                 Aprecio un me gusta!

Testeado con Thanos y Nebula en modo experto. Se desarrolló la idea en Spectrum porque es el único personaje aéreo que incluye un aliado aéreo (Blue Marvel).


Se añadieron:

Se eliminaron:

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Objetivo del Mazo y Cartas:

Objetivos Principales:

  1. Mantener a Cloud 9 junto a Sky Cycle añadiendo +2 de INT a todos los personajes aéreos incluida Spectrum durante toda la partida (+3 INT a través de Falcon).
  2. Jugar los 7 aliados a través de Team-Building Exercise junto las tres copìas de Air Supremacy y Quinjet.
  3. Realizar de 3 hasta 12 daños por 2 recursos gracias a Air Supremacy.

Objetivos Secundarios:

  1. Maximizar los recursos energía para Falcon.
  2. Para realizar 3 daños y aturdir al villano a través de Captain Marvel.
  3. Para curar a Spectrum de manera recurrente a través de Adam Warlock.

Visto el elevado número de aliados con el rasgo aéreo y siendo el objetivo del mismo, se incluyeron tres copias de Air Supremacy.

Durante el testeo del mazo pude observar pese a lo criticado que ha sido, como Snowguard es una excelente opción. Dado que en la mayoría de las ocasiones todos los personajes reciben +2 INT, e incluso, +3 de INT a través de Falcon. Añadir dos contadores en Snowguard y conferirle rasgo aéreo permite quitar entre 15 a 18 de amenaza, resultando más que eficiente por los 4 recursos que cuesta el aliado.

A su vez, gracias al número elevado de recursos de energía me gustaría destacar a Adam Warlock, pudiendo INT de 3 y curar 3 daños a Spectrum por un solo recurso, con tan solo terminar el turno con una sola carta con recurso energía en nuestra mano.

Cabe decir, que en todo momento se pretendió aumentar el máximo número de recursos energía para potenciar a Captain Marvel y realizar 3 daños y aturdir a un enemigo. Además, sabiendo que Spectrum puede cambiar de forma de energía tantas veces como le permiten sus cartas y teniendo, a su vez, 13 cartas para poder hacerlo, además de asegurar que uno de sus stats siempre sea 3 (3 INT/ 3 ATK/ 3 DEF por 1 recurso), se incluyeron tres copias de Ready to Rumble.

Me gustaría aclarar que Ready to Rumble me resulta la mejor carta adaptada para Spectrum, aunque Vision también presente esa especial facilidad por cambiar de forma, los stats básicos de Vision no le hacen especialmente atractivo prepararle.

Por lo tanto, potenciando a Captain Marvel con recursos energía se incluyeron tres copias de Ready to Rumble; Deft Focus al presentar 11 cartas superpoder y 3 más con posibilidad de tenerlas con (Speed of Light); Blue Marvel o Falcon pudiendo jugarse, además, con Team-Building Exercise; y una copia adicional de Sky Cycle al ser tan importante.


Jun 08, 2022 SAntim · 1

Buen mazo. Por qué no dos copias de Team-Building Exercise?

Jun 11, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12025

Muchas gracias por tu comentario @Leonard8. Probé tres partidas y en muchas de las ocasiones no terminabas por aprovecharlas.