Maria Hill featuring Peter Quill

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Maria Hill featuring Peter Quill 0 0 3 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

FunkyMonkeyMonk · 26


Fantasy Flight released the best character in the game in the core box, Maria Hill, but they still haven't given us a hero card for her. Until they rectify what I see as an egregious error, I'll need to make decks featuring other heroes that she can shine in. This iteration is using the tape deck wielding outlaw himself, Star Lord.

This deck is about trying to lay out a sweet line of allies who you occasionally cycle for their effects until you get to the point where you are recursing Maria multiple times a turn. Then go out with a Blaze of Glory.


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Role You give everyone else cards and make huge plays, while creating massive problems that need to be cleaned up. #DramaLlama
Complexity Medium/High, Star Lord can get you into a lot of trouble if you aren't careful and if you don't know how to keep your turns moving you will slow the game down for others.
Jank This is spicy
Thematic Feel Star Lord, the cause and solution to every problem.


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Villain Damage
Minion Management

With the exception of Nova Prime and Squirrel Girl you're not doing much on the minion front. Most of your allies you're going to want to be using for Strength In Numbers so you're unlikely to have many hits there. That changes a lot when it comes time for the big hits. Blaze of Glory along with Daring Escape makes for a huge attacking turn that can easily knock down a villain's health. Flip to alter ego and everyone loses the Guardian trait so no one takes damage.

Also make sure to use those encounter cards you're stock piling to hit big minions or the villain with a Sliding Shot


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Main Scheme
Side Schemes

So everything I said above goes equally for thwarting. The big difference is that your allies are getting a boost from Leader of the Guardians making it sometimes worth using them to get rid of some of the side schemes you likely put into play, or bring down the threat you likely caused.


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Cost curve

This is where this deck shines. You're going to want to lean into Star-Lords ability to smooth out your high cost plays early on. You'll likely pitch Nova Prime the first time you see him because 5 cost is meaty. That said with "Welcome Aboard" many of your allies are coming in really cheap or free. As soon as you get Star-Lord's Helmet go for broke and try to get as many upgrades and supports in play as you can. The goal is to thin your deck down to 23 cards. That's 5 allies, 3 + The Triskelion + Knowhere, every support and upgrade in play except only 1 copy of Regroup and Rapid Response. With 23 cards you'll then have 9 in hand, Daring Escape replaces itself on play + 2x Maria draw ( rapid response + play from hand), + Strength In Numbers + playing an ally who draws you a card means you will see 20 of those 23 cards. If you need more you can always play Nick Fury. You are cycling your deck just about every turn. This means that your turns have maximum consistency and the only thing you need to focus on is where your resources are being spent.


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Status Management
Villain Phase Shananagans

Regroup is broken. I will not be taking questions. Remember this applies to everyones allies not just yours. Blocking with Maria early and using Rapid Response is a great way to give everyone a card during the villain phase which may make up for the fact that you're defending everything and making your protection player salty. If you need to heal use Bad Boy to flip and draw you two cards, then recover and flip back during your turn. Seriously 9 cards makes it hard to stay in alter-ego.


Sep 03, 2022 Renna · 1

Like the deck! If I may ask, what is the idea behind Welcome Aboard vs. the normal double resources?it seems like you could get the same benefit, but still use it to play cards like Rapid Response and Knowhere.

Sep 03, 2022 FunkyMonkeyMonk · 26

Great point out and and I'll tell ya the truth. It's because I'm biased against the double resources and really love the theme of "Welcome Aboard" in a StarLord deck but you're right they would be more effective here in most situations. The one exception to that rule is that "Welcome Aboard" can work for other people but in practice I've never actually done that. All that being said I think I will end up tweaking them out in my next revision due to some way better options that have hit the card pool recently.