Iron Plan

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MrMimigma · 2099

Hello Champions I would like to introduce you to my Iron Man justice deck.

The deck concept is to reach a decent hand size as fast as possible (hence the Plasma Pistol) as well as to get out of the upgrades and supports.

As you can see there are only two events left (Clear the Area) that generate mental resources so you can repulse your opponents with great pleasure. (Thats the most funniest thing with Repulsor Blast so enjoy it)

Because of the justice aspect you never have any problems with the main and side schemes and with the help of Ingenuity you are always ready to be aerial. for Yaw and RollSupersonic Punch and all the Upgrades.

Jack Flag, Jessica Jones and Quake are good allys and also energys for your Repulsor Blast.

Clear the Area for the little card draw or as mental for your aerial.

Foiled! help to keep the Main scheme low and also energys for Repulsor Blast

For Justice! and Yaw and Roll are your thwart events and also energys for Repulsor Blast

The The Power of Justice are actually a card for the high cost allys and counterintellegene and a joker for the Rocket Boots but testing it becouse it does not count as a energy ressource

All the Iron Man Upgrades and Supports should be played as early as you can and when an upgrade or support must be discarded, i always choose the Powered Gauntlets so it does not blocking our lovly Repulsor Blast.

All in all keep fun, fly around and you know it, repulsor the Villain away.