Ant-Man - a Resourcefull Bug (Project Post-con) [A]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Michaelangelo · 3988

This deck is part of Project Post-con: building a ready to use deck for each existing hero, just using the available card copies of buying each pack once. This does not only enable fast pick-and-play, but it also makes each deck feel unique, as not everyone is using the same powerhouse cards. Each deck is intended to be fun and usable in expert mode, but none will be the absolute strongest possible due to the card limitations. Looking for other decks? Search for the Post-con tag.

Project Post-Con build: V2.0

Removed since previous version: 2x Relentless Assault

Added since previous version: 2x Into the Fray

Ant-man in his core deck is already quite powerful. This deck is meant to synergise with his kit, with a strong focus on always having sufficient resources to use your Wrist Gauntlets each turn. You thus want to draw into this card as soon as possible, but don't worry if you don't. This deck is also versatile enough to work without them or to face even a stalwart villain (looking at you Thanos). His main focus is attack, as he hit's strong, but he is able to remove enough thwart here and there to keep the game going. Furthermore, it is an amazing team-up with the thwart-heavy protection Wasp deck in this project.


First of all, the deck seems heavy on resource cards, but this is the goal. Whether it is to power Wrist Gauntlets, or make sure Ant-man can always play any card he wants. Using all allowed copies of the standard basic energies, Pym Particles, The Power in All of Us and The Power of Aggression may seem a lot, but there are enough cards to never have it be a dead card. Worst-case for the latter two, it's another wild resource to easily power his gauntlets or get rid of a nasty villain attachment. Besides this, you'l notice his entire deck is favoured towards , and resources, thus factoring into the choices for the next cards. The resource heavy strategy further assists his small hand in Giant mode.


Next up alles, which due to the card pool limitations are always limited.

  • Wasp is a flexible ally for attack or threat removal. Furthermore, you want to keep het around for Swarm Tactics
  • Wasp synergises nicely with his many and resources. Furthermore, she makes are Ant-man can use Swarm Tactics as often as possible, as now you have 2 wasps to keep 1 on the field.
  • Sentry is meant to stay long for mainly some thwart. The encounter is a set-back, but of all heroes in the project, Ant-Man can handle it
  • Lockjaw just works great for the resource-heavy deck. Have a hound full of resources you can't use? Just fish him out of the discard if he's there. Got Lockjaw in your hand? use his resource now and pay him 1 ER less next turn.


  • Ant-Man's Helmet and Wrist Gauntlets are powerhouses of his deck and you want to mulligan into them at almost any cost. And as you always want them into play, their resources won't clog your deck. The added card draw/healing from the helmet just keeps you going at a crazy momentum. While the gauntlets in this resource heavy deck makes sure you get at least 1 stun or confuse of each turn.
  • Giant Strength x2 and Combat Training are what make Ant-Man a brute in aggression decks with a base damage of 6. Manage to double flip with Resize or Swarm Tactics and watch him hit big for 8.
  • Ready to Rumble is such a great card for the flip heavy Ant-Man. Free defence, extra attack or even some thwart in Tiny mode are all amazing with his stats. The only reason I did not include more is that I needed the cards for another deck in this project.
  • Enhanced Physique and Enhanced Reflexes just further play into his resource strategy and are great to turn the The Power in All of Us into more uses. With 6 enhanced cards in total, you'll almost never have an unusable hand. One could argue Quincarrier would be a great substitution. However, As this is a unique card, I wanted to keep it for the corresponding Wasp deck in this project, so they can easily team-up.


  • Army of Ants is nice to get some extra damage out and help where other big hit aggression decks sometimes struggle. Together with his damage on flipping and AOE Giant Stomp, he removes toughs as no other. This make sure his big hits always land.
  • Team-Building Exercise is just the icing on the resource management. Lowering the cost of each avenger ally, as well as his Giant and Tiny events helps keep momentum. It does not work on Lockjaw, but again, you should only be playing him in this deck from discard anyway.


  • As illustrated above Resize and Swarm Tactics really help flipping to get all out of his Ant-Man's Helmet, Giant Strength and flipping responses. Additionally they make sure you can flip enough and still do all actions in the desired form.
  • Giant Stomp, Surprise Attack is a great (and cost effective) card in his kit for high damage. Smaller minions you can usually take you with your ants, flipping or base stats.
  • Into the Fray helps aggression Ant-man where he has the fewest options: thwarting. And the resources are useful for your Wrist Gauntlets

In conclusion, Ant-Man aggression is not only a powerhouse, but a versatile hero for any scenario.


Aug 07, 2022 Matsie313 · 1

I used this deck against Ultron today. I had so much fun, it really works with all the resources. Especially in giant form it's a bless, since you only have a handsize of 4.