Doctor Strange 4-Player Rapid Reload

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

szrlm · 4

This deck is meant to be played in 4-player group, but should work well with less. The purpose is to quickly cycle through the deck to be constantly replaying your spells like Magic Blast as often as possible while maintaining yourself.

First run through the deck, prioritize getting resource generators like Quincarrier out as well as Avengers Mansion and The Sorcerer Supreme.

Second run through, if you haven't already, get the rest of your upgrades and supports out and especially get Wong out. Between Wong and Get Ready you should have a ton of healing and Invocation cycling at your disposal. You can now also try to get the rest of your supports and hand out Endurance and Honorary Avenger to the other players. These are cheap and stay out on the field which helps reduce your deck size. Additionally the extra HP and low cost of them make for good shields for your fellow players to discard due to various encounter cards.

By your third run, you should be hitting your stride, Avengers Mansion, Spiritual Meditation, and the odd Assess the Situation or Winds of Watoomb mean that you're drawing a ton of cards each turn to get the spells you need for the situation. I've been decking out twice for every three turns.

Even with you not taking any of the extra HP for yourself, you can absorb some punishment. Some turns you can be healing up to 8hp a turn and still be casting some spells.

And while normally, at least in my household, each player chooses a different aspect, this deck takes so little from Leadership that someone else could easily run one too without stepping on each other's toes.