Spider-Woman and the Hulk Gang

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

rory_braker · 1

Just a simple deck trying to get Hulk going with an abundance of physical resources. I've included She-Hulk for flavour, but also as she can benefit equally from Call for Aid, Get Ready, and Reinforced Suit.

Clobber, Drop Kick, and Looking for Trouble all fit onto the thematics of the deck, while also providing further physical resources, as well as targets for Martial Prowess.

United We Stand is included for Ally healing and has the physical trait, while Jarnbjorn can do some cheeky damage by discarding cards of the physical trait in the mid-late game.

The deck is very light on resources and card draw, so I'm going to test 2x Band Together to try and combo off the sticky allies. Jessica Drew's Apartment does provide some draw as you want to be flipping every turn to maximise her Alter-Ego ability to look at the top of the deck. This is essential in not discarding Hulk at an inopportune time.

I'll playtest and return with possible replacements :)