The Spider Train's a Comin'

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Toadstank · 13

This deck is an engine building powerhouse.

Hard to Ignore, Unflappable, and Electrostatic Armor all lend to Spidey defending which means once you get your upgrades out its just Swinging Web Kick, Fighting Fit and Haymaker to bring down the villain. There's no need to worry about using a basic attack.

Starhawk can be cycled into your hand constantly with 1 attack and 1 threat using his ability. Warlock can be healed for 2 every time your in alter-ego using Peter's free resource. Nick Fury and Miles Morales are excellent at threat management or for burning down minions. Med Team will keep you or your ally's healed for longer encounters.

Nerves of Steel is great for playing all of your 1 cost defense events to keep Spidey from taking any damage which then triggers all of your upgrades.