"I Object!" (She-Hulk Justice)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Only The Best (Black Panther Justice) 16 13 3 2.0
Inspiration for
She-Hulk as Phoenix Wright but with Punching 0 0 0 1.0

KingOfRohan · 4916

She-Hulk has been my least favorite hero, behind Black Panther, but I finally built a Black Panther deck I love and then simply switched it into She-Hulk, and it works great!

I think the reason it works so well is that this assortment of cards (Under Surveillance, Counterintelligence, Concussive Blow, Quake, the other powerful thwarting allies) allows She-Hulk to switch pretty freely into alter-ego, which is wonderful for her.

Between the confusion caused by Concussive Blow and Jennifer Walters's native "I Object!" ability, you can switch into alter-ego and potentially add zero threat that turn. What?!?

This allows her to benefit from that much larger handsize (6 to 4) and the powerful Superhuman Law Division. She can also stay in alter-ego multiple turns by using Counterintelligence to allow little or even no threat to be added, or she can switch into hero mode, deal damage or play Concussive Blow/For Justice!, and then switch back using Split Personality (easy to do with a 2-resource card in hand and/or a card drawn by Focused Rage or Avengers Mansion.

A huge benefit of spending so much time in alter-ego? You're able to safely stay at low health, waiting to draw your one copy of Gamma Slam, then switch into hero form and have the resources to play it.

Hope you enjoy it!