Ms. Marvel - Counterscheming

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Burdi_281 · 109

Just sharing the deck I've been playing on our 4 player Red Skull campaign.

You do all the scheme heavy lifting. Starting with the classic Multitasking + Shrink combo (to remove up to 8 tokens), continuing with a triple Crisis Averted activation using Tenacity, or just brute forcing your way into those pesky villain schemes with some simple Sneak By.

Allies provide decent utility and flexibility thanks to Spider-Man and Mockingbird, good options to control the board if there is no clear path. Ironheart to cycle through you deck and Wiccan to dive into the Villans HP pool or clearing annoying minions.

If the game starts going your way, consider start building an impactful Bruno Carrelli turn attaching some powerful cards like the double resources and such, plus using Aamir Khan to prepare your last turn and explode. You'll probably end up with 20+ threat removed no problem. Or maybe even some 16+ damage dealt if schemes are low enough and your team can cover you or the Villan is in his last stage and you need to provide that last push to victory.