Aggressive Raccoon Tank

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Aggressive Protection Combo 73 52 3 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

yaar · 14

You probably will not defeat every villain on expert (neither did I), but this deck makes a lot of fun (and you still win most of your fights)!

How to play? Tank and deal a lot of damage!


  1. Rocket has only 1 DEF, that's why he never defends, and only thwarts or attacks!
  2. There are lots of cards to help Rocket to stay alive: 3x Energy Barrier, 2x Shake it Off, 3x Tackle, 3x Med Team, and some chump blockers.
  3. Don't forget to increase your max hit points (+6): Endurance and Cybernetic Skeleton

Damage dealing as a tank? Of course. This is Rocket!

  1. Use Rocktes arsenal and Fighting Fit (that's why we need +6 hit points)

What else?

I still don't know if Quincarrier is necessary. I do not play it every game, but sometimes it really helps with Tackle