Rocket Raccoon - Protection (Never Defend)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Rocket Raccoon - Never Defend 40 24 9 2.0
Inspiration for
None yet

SpydrPg · 8

Inspired by the deck "Rocket Raccoon - Never Defend" by niolty

This deck is identical to "Never Defend" by niolty, except it replaces 2x The Power of Protection with 2x Med Team, and swaps out 3x Side Step for 3x Subdue. I highly suggest looking at the deck page by niolty to learn more about the overall strategy of the deck. This page will cover the purpose/vision of the changes I made.

I did not feel The Power of Protection was worth including in the deck, as between Helicarrier and Avengers Mansion there is enough card draw/resource generation to play all of your hand most turns. I felt that Rocket Raccoon can still be squishy while getting setup, so I included 2x Med Team to help keep him healthy in case he isn't able to draw/play any allies. Of course, Med Team can also be used to top off Groot and other allies. I also replaced Side Step with Subdue as it gives Rocket Raccoon the ability to help out other players in multiplayer, and he has enough damage to mitigate the loss of potential 1 damage from Side Step.

I tested this deck against Red Skull - Standard with Iron Man - Justice, and handled him pretty well.

Potential changes: 1) Add in Side Holster - given you don't want to flip back too often to Alter Ego, being able to have three weapons out greatly expands your damage potential. 2) Replace 2x Med Team with 2x Bait and Switch, 2x Fighting Fit, 2x Momentum Shift, 2x Hard Knocks, or 2x Perseverance. These cards give you more thwart, villain damage, minion damage, and/or tough status cards.

I'm fairly new to deckbuilding, so I absolutely welcome feedback. This is also why I am mostly pulling from already established decks, and making my own twists on them. I know that the deck needs to be playtested more, but given it's just a modification of an existing deck, I figured I'd show my thought processes behind the deck now.