I haven't played this card yet, but I think in many heroes this card can outclass Agile Flight. Not only is it not trait-restricted, but its requirement isn't that hard to meet because you can pay for it with any card for 1 resource type and a The Power of Justice for the 2 resource types that the other card isn't. (And remember that when you spend a resource, you get to choose for it to count as a , , or resource.) And that's not even mentioning Passion for Justice, because not only is it a but it also increases the total possible threat removal from 6 to 9!
Of course, it does take a little bit of deckbuilding work to reliably get the best use out of it. It fits naturally into heroes that have resource cards of multiple types like Domino or (of course) Jubilee, or lots of resource generators like Black Panther or Nova. But then again, not every deck can use Agile Flight either.