Ronan-bustin', flag-wavin', shield-blockin' son of a gun!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Attercop! · 75

"If they kill you, walk it off."

I took this deck against the entire Galaxy's Most Wanted Standard Campaign. It beat the first four scenarios on the first shot and took three tries to beat Ronan (This doesn't count the 15 prior attempts with a Leadership deck, of course. :P). The upgrades I was able to add to my deck were:

  1. Calculate The Odds
  2. Armor Plating
  3. Hyper Thrusters
  4. Contingency Plan

The cards were all very helpful at some point, but I couldn't have beat Ronan without Armor Plating. It was constantly saving me and made getting rid of the Universal Weapon just a bit more manageable.

This is a Stunlock deck and the main goal is to keep the villain stunned as much as possible, on the turns where that isn't possible, you should have an ally available or a Shield Block to bail you out, Lockjaw is especially helpful here generating a resource and being able to be played from the discard when you need him. Spending the first turn focusing on setting up extra resources with Super-Soldier Serum, Martial Prowess and Enhanced Physique paid off near the end of the game, allowing me to play combinations of Heroic Strike and/or Drop Kick in a single turn and still activate Jarnbjorn for even more damage.

There is a couple weird choices in the deck that I'll explain. Two copies of Combat Training is a bit excessive typically, but being able to dump the extra copy to either Cap's ability or Jarnbjorn makes it fairly valuable, but more importantly, it makes it easier to find it to get Cap dealing 3 damage on his basic attacks to be able to reclaim the Power Stone and keep pushing damage out.

The deck also runs a single copy of three different restricted upgrades in Jarnbjorn, Hand Cannon and Captain America's Shield, but this isn't a major issue. Thanks to Shield Toss, you're able to use the shield early in the game for defense and retaliate, and eventually toss it for damage, return it to your hand and equip the Cannon and Jarnbjorn to maximize damage output going forward. You can even pay Jarnbjorn using the shield for a bit more damage. This is an ideal scenario, but isn't that difficult to string together and in the worst case scenario, the extra restricted upgrades can all be used to power other things to generate value.

Uppercut might have been better as a Piercing Strike or Press the Advantage, but the 5 damage was fairly useful to take care of some larger minions, as well as push through a large chunk of damage.


Apr 27, 2021 journeyman2 · 23912

Some changes I would consider:

Uppercut->Honorary Avenger

Enhanced Physique->Helicarrier

Martial Prowess->Quincarrier

Lockjaw->Spider-Man: Miles Morales

There are better Aggression events than Uppercut (Browbeat for the villain, Relentless Assault for minions, or Surprise Attack for both). But since your worry is minions, you’ve already got Cap swinging hard and Hulk, who easily swings against minions. Honorary Avenger is physical and gives you another turn of Hulk (0 for 3-5) or another 2 THW with Agent 13 which is great value and much better than 3 for 5 with uppercut. You could even run a second over Hand Cannon to get rid of those awkward 3 restricted turns (and again Hand Cannon is only 2-4 vs 0-5). This Cap will probably need to be THW more since there is little THW here (how did scenario 3 go??) or DEF on turns when there’s no stun since you don’t have chump blocks. So Hand Cannon is a good cut considering.

Enhanced Physique doesn’t actually create resources (it costs 2 plus itself for 3, so is net zero). It’s also overkill when you have the power kids, martial prowess, super soldier serum, etc all of which are better. Helicarrier is physical and useful on everything. Combined with Power of Aggression it makes Drop Kick playable. Martial Prowess is pretty limited here to Drop Kick/Heroic Strike, but important for your stun lock. Quincarrier can be slotted in over one though since it works on everything (including the various attachments in GMW). Both carriers and Super-Soldier Serum might be overkill, but it does help you with reliability and getting your expensive events played, though the curve of this deck is pretty low.

Miles is cheaper and does more than Lockjaw, while keeping a physical resource. If you have a turn where you’re paying 4 for Lockjaw, you’re in trouble already. But if you want to kept both I’d take out one combat training as unlike Iron Man, Cap can consistently generate the resource he needs, so cycling one in the deck is worthless unless you’re playing with a partner like Quicksilver.

Over all a nice idea to keep him stunned without resorting to protection so you have big damage swings to end the game!

Apr 27, 2021 journeyman2 · 23912

Target Acquired > 1 Skilled Strike also makes sense as many times TA will just outright defeat a minion. Still a physical too.

Apr 27, 2021 Attercop! · 75

Thanks for the feedback, I seem to always forget about HA being a card in the pool. I'll definitely give it a whirl and drop Uppercut. The resource upgrades makes sense too, I usually reach for Helicarrier much faster, but I've been hung up on the Enhanced upgrades thanks to some Hulk testing lately.

Scenario 3 was rough, but Fearless Determination came through a few times to really make it easier, along with a couple perfectly timed Agent 13 draws. I was worried about it going in, but I guess lucky draws is always a plan.

Again, thanks for the feedback and reading through everything!