AAAAmerica! | Angry Aggressive Avenger Allies

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Randito · 39

This Captain America deck focuses on Aggressive allies, especially ones with the Avenger or SHIELD traits to trigger the Team-Building Exercise discount.


Capt'n has three ways to reduce threat: Chase Them Down, Into the Fray which require killing minion, and Fearless Determination followed by a discard-card-ready action to double thwart.

Some of the allies have 2-thwart and can help out in a pinch. However, these allies are for fighting. With Boot Camp +1 attack, they can hit hard. Hulk is there for tanking -- there's too much Energy resource in this deck to take the chance.


It's there to power up Wasp. The Power of Aggression, The Power in All of Us, and Super-Soldier Serum are there to help built a massive Wasp with a 4-attack (+1 from Boot Camp).

Combo'ed with a Earth's Mightiest Heroes, she could potentially hit multiple times a turn with a 4-attack.


This deck also combos well with Stuns -- Mockingbird, Spider-Girl, and Heroic Strike -- and then using Press the Advantage for some extra card draw.

Ready! (x2)

With lots of allies -- specifically Avenger allies, Earth's Mightiest Heroes is a great card to ready, and re-ready your allies or Captain America for some really big turns.


The only anti-synergy is SHIELD allies. You need to be in Steve Rogers form in order to get the Team-Building Exercise and Steve Rogers discount for those allies. And this deck doesn't have much threat response -- only Nick Fury and Agent 13 provide direct thread response. It's not bad, but it's not great.


This deck is designed around getting steep discounts from Team-Building Exercise and Martial Prowess with lots of allies and lots of stuns to help take advantage of Captain America's balanced game play. And using the resource cards (wild resource) to bring in Allies or power up Wasp.

Aggressive All-American Allies!


Mar 02, 2021 Randito · 39

Depending on how Chase Them Down and Into the Fray, they may get replaced with Enraged to double-down on the Aggressive Allies theme. :P

Mar 02, 2021 Randito · 39

Capt'n loves card draw, so a discounted Avengers Mansion might make sense. It triggers with Team-Building Exercise so might make sense in this deck. :P

Mar 03, 2021 DukeWellington · 5010

Team building exercise is a hero resource ability. You can't use it as Steve Rogers

Mar 03, 2021 neothechosen · 10124

Indeed DukeWellington is right about TBE.

@Randito : I've taken an interest in your decklist, I used to run an aggro-ally deck for Cap too. I'd change a thing or two: switch one TBE to Quincarrier because it doesn't stack with itself and cannot be used in aler ego.

Also, I'd like to point out that while The Power of Aggression and The Power in All of Us fit your deck, Energy, Genius and Strength would be a double resource for ANY card, making them a superior choice, as "the power of" cards are good for only a specific kind of card each.

Mar 03, 2021 Randito · 39

@DukeWellington / @neothechosen ah, you are right about Team-Building Exercise. thanks for the suggestions.