Punchline- Quicksilver Aggro Burst

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BananaCrapshoot · 4793

alright, so I love aggression and quicksilver is the new hotness so here we go.

pairing his with aggression seems obvious since he can ready so often and we have access to things like Combat Training and Jarnbjorn.

while I don’t think this deck has the ceiling the leadership otk variant has, this aggression one is close and is probably more consistent since we aren’t relying one one huge turn but a handful of good turns in aggression. I’ve also gone with the EMH package here with cheap aggro heroes to get more resets and tenacity, is actually really good with him. let’s look at the deck


  • Hulkis a 2 cost meat shield and EMH target
  • Tigra 3 cost ally with minion synergies and EMH target also
  • Valkyrie another 3 cost with minion synergy
  • Wasp ally to use with EMH that can be 1-3 cost.

Spider-Girl in consideration here but I liked the tigra potential for dealing with minions.



  • Adrenaline Rushis great fkr QS giving us multiple +1 ATK boosts to maximize our readies. -Tenacity as crazy as it sounds is really good with quicksilver since he gets more value than most with additional readies due to cards in his kit line Maximum Velocity. he can also use Friction Resistancemany times in succession to trigger tenacity multiple times. -Jarnbjorn WS might be the best jarnbkrn deck yet. used with Friction Resistanceeach attack, if you swing 6 times in a turn and get the friction resistance trigger that’s an extra 12 damage.

the damage potential of this deck is quite high, now you can’t get the massive hand sizes you can with leadership. but with jarnbjorn, and combat training, and friction resistance along with all the ready effects we can hit hard, and fast. have fun!


Feb 08, 2021 neothechosen · 10667

Hey! Good catch on Wasp, didn't think about that! I've been sitting on a fence about Tenacity, this card has been a lost cause for so long... but your reasoning makes sense, Quicksilver is probably the only hero that will redeem it.

Feb 08, 2021 Superbosher · 146

I like the combo Tenacity and Friction Resistance.