Hawkeye - Mockingbird Forever!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Tordekrpg · 13

This deck was created with the main purpose of being able to play Mockingbird every single turn after using her Interrupt action.

I finished the RoRS Campaign on Expert with this deck, but the intention was to create a fun deck and not necessarily a powerful deck.

Deck Strategy:

Play Team-Building Exercise and Avengers Tower as soon as possible. Quincarrier and Helicarrier are highly desirable too. Keep in mind that Team-Building Exercise reduce the cost of Quincarrier, Avengers Tower and Avengers Mansion.

Play allies to thwart and defend the villain attacks. Use Hawkeye attacks on minions. Try to play the cards mentioned above and play Hawkeye signature cards that will help on late game: Hawkeye's Quiver and Expert Marksman. If you draw Mockingbird early, try to play and keep her alive.

As soon as you have Team-Building Exercise, Avengers Tower, and Helicarrier, you will be able to play Mockingbird every single turn at cost 0. Additionally, is possible to pay the Mockingbird Interrupt cost using Quincarrier. With that, you will be free to use Hawkeye's signature cards to defeat the villain.
