A Just God

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ObiRobKenobi · 280

This is my first shot a Thor Justice deck. Thor's signature kit contains a fair but of damage and therefore makes a pretty balanced deck out of Justice.

Thor takes more setting up than I initially imagined. It takes some smart plays to keep control of the game until he can get Asgard and God of Thunder set up. For this reason, I left in two Avengers Mansions and two Helicarriers. They are very important pieces of setting Thor up.

I found myself throwing away a lot of key damage cards the first time through the deck and just doing what I could to keep threat down. Once set up though, cards like Lightning Strike and Hammer Throw provide varied damage sources that let you dispatch minions while still putting the hurt on the villain.