Black Panther - why are you hitting yourself?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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neothechosen · 10660

Trying this deck!

Haven't played protection BP in a while, and looking to try something. Because BP relies mostly on Wakanda Forever! and his upgrades to deal damage, you can actually have him block every turn and, becauses he retaliates, still get some damage through. Is there a way to make this even more interesting?

This deck is all about preventing, blocking damage, and about setting up huge amounts of damage in retaliation.

Max retaliation

My endgame here is all about setting up BP's own upgrades, as well as Electrostatic Armor, Armored Vest and as many Energy Barriers as possible, ideally all 3.

With all of those in play, you could block for 6 def and retaliate for 5 dmg three times. My guess is by then, Wakanda Forever! will end things quickly.

Of course this is all hypothetic unless you really want to wait all 3 Energy Barriers to start using them, but with just 1 and electrostatic armor, you could defend for 3 and retaliate for 3 every turn. That should be easier to keep up and always be able to have a backup barrier when the first one is done.

No damage

Most of the deck is about preventing damage and setting up your game.

You can first prevent damage from stunning the villain: Tackle, Mockingbird and Iron Fist serve that purpose. After a turn where you didn't have to block, I suggest using your basic THW to keep control of the main scheme, Tactical Genius will also be key here.

Have your allies block for you: Luke Cage and War Machine already come in with a tough status cards, and you can add some more with Muster Courage.

Last, of course, blocking can be boosted using Expert Defense, Armored Vest, Energy Barrier and Defensive Stance. Use these cards in order to trigger Unflappable and keep things rolling.


Use Vibranium Suit as much as possible to heal yourself. In between the stuns, to DEF boosts, the tough cards and this upgrade, you may be able to stay in hero form all game.

All in all nothing really brand new, it's just fun to envision Black Panther being such a skillful fighter that the villain just can't get anything done!


Dec 22, 2020 neothechosen · 10660

Forgot to add: thanks to BeatDGame whose deck sent my on this path. Check it out: