Card draw simulator
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This is my attempt to make a Star Lord deck to annihilate Thanos in standard. It takes quite a bit of building but Star Lord manages. You essentially want to mulligan into one of your 9 ally cards because you want to eventually use Strength In Numbers to start getting Star Lords hand size to ridiculous heights. I’ve had him with 8 cards in hand, easily getting his more expensive allies out with "Welcome Aboard" and Star Lords inherent economy with the “What Could Go Wrong?” ability. I threw Knowhere and Avengers Mansion in there to further strengthen the consistent hand size boost. For the most part you are getting your allies out and picking who will chump block and who will stick around to exhaust for Strength In Numbers. Leadership Training is there to get those essential events back into the deck for future turns. There is a nice balance of allies with attack and thwart so that you can be flexible and ready for anything. With Knowhere in play you can so easily sacrifice your cheaper and low hit point allies like Maria Hill. You almost never have to play Bad Boy or even Jet Boots if you don’t want to. Aerial isn’t leaned into for this deck and the chump blockers do the trick as long as the villain doesn’t have overkill. However even in solo I was feeling safe enough to flip to alter ego once or twice to heal if I really needed it. There is enough threat removal to go around with the minions and Star Lords own signature cards.