Wolverine - Fluid Berserker

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dimiav · 8

Have you ever been hosting a game, with a first-time player at the table, and you're trying to keep things simple yet exciting? Maybe you want to introduce them to thrilling mechanics while ensuring they can unleash powerful moves every turn. If that sounds like your goal, you're in the perfect spot!


Deck Basics

This deck is designed to perform multiple Attack Events each turn, culminating in a powerful, boosted Basic Attack.

The centerpiece of the strategy is the Fluid Motion card, as this deck includes 3 of them. The odds of drawing it in your opening hand are approximately 37%, increasing to 64% if you perform a full mulligan.

Aim to play at least two copies of Fluid Motion as soon as possible. With Wolverine, executing at least two Attack Events per turn is a breeze. allowing you to close out each turn with an enhanced Basic Attack.

Points to consider

  1. Attack events in this deck are quite cost-efficient, particularly the first attack each round, the second attack can be paid by using health points through Wolverine's Claws ability.

  2. You have several options to strengthen your attacks. Wolverine's Claws and Adamantium Skeleton guarantee Piercing attacks, allowing the usage of Directed Force . Additionally, Hand Cannon introduces the Overkill keyword. Other cards like "Now I'm Mad", Synch, Combat Training and Adamantium Skeleton, further enhance your offensive capabilities.

  3. If you're concerned about having 43 cards in your deck, you might consider removing one copy each of Hand Cannon, Directed Force, and Mean Swing. However, I strongly recommend against making these changes.


Mar 26, 2025 Royal7 · 51

I always love playing Clobber with claws to get it back. Now this gives a whole extra bonus.

Mar 26, 2025 boomguy · 2865

What a fun deck for Wolverine, and great for introducing new players!!

Sadly you can only use one copy of Fluid Motion per each attack, so you can’t use them both to boost a single basic attack by +2. Otherwise, this is great!

Mar 26, 2025 dimiav · 8

@boomguy Thank you :) Yeah, that's a downside. But I think it's not a major issue because you can afford to play multiple Attack events each turn with Wolverine, thanks to his Wolverine's Claws.

Mar 26, 2025 boomguy · 2865

I agree that you can easily play multiple events. You just can’t use multiple copies of Fluid Motion to boost your attack; you’d have to be able to ready up and use your second copy of Fluid Motion for your second basic attack. That’s where something like Battle Fury could be helpful for this deck.

Mar 26, 2025 dimiav · 8

@boomguy Battle Fury can be a fun addition, I'll test it :)

What do you mean regarding Fluid Motion? The modified ATK Stats remains active throughout the entire player phase, rather than being limited to just one attack.

Here is a potential scenario, My hand has Clobber.

There are 2 Fluid Motion cards in play.

  1. I play Clobber, Clobber deals damage and returns to my hand (as within it's effect)
  2. I exhaust the First Fluid Motion card. As result my Basic ATK is 3.
  3. Now I play the Clobber again (either I spend resources or use Wolverine's Claws)
  4. I exhaust the Second Fluid Motion. As result my modified ATK is 4
  5. I exhaust Wolverine to do basic Attack of 4.

Mar 26, 2025 boomguy · 2865

Oh I think you are right! I got mixed up. You just can’t trigger multiple Fluid Motion off of a single attack, the way you can use Follow Through. My mistake! It’s been a long day…

Mar 26, 2025 dimiav · 8

@boomguy You definitely intrigued me in finding methods to ready Wolverine after he has his Attack stats boosted. The Battle Fury suggestion you made seems like a great match. and I'm eager to test it. Especially for late game stage, in which a fully built Wolverine can easily have basic 7 ATK.