Hawkeye and the meat shields

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Agentv · 1

Hawkeye is great at one thing: Dealing damage, so he needs no help there. Also, at this point, everyone knows Hawkeye's biggest weaknesses: lack of thwarting and the fact that he's squishy. Don't worry though, cheap allies can make up for both of these weaknesses since it's their job to go out there, maybe use an effect, thwart, and then take a hit.

4 cheap allies are here specifically for this job. They are there for no other purpose and are all replaceable when cheaper ones come out. Having extra effects is a nice bonus, but not needed. Mockingbird however is more expensive, but she can help avoid damage entirely, more than making up for her deficiencies. Make the Call lets you recur and ally, while Ready for Action lets an ally block twice.

You have plenty of support cards to make things cheaper in the long run. Quinjet can let you pay for allies in advance, while Quincarrier Helicarrier and Avengers Mansion giving you a resource, with the mansion letting you draw a straight-up extra card. Resource cards are there to help get these on the field as fast as possible.

Eventually, using 2 arrows per turn should be easy, especially since Hawkeye gives you the ability to do it consistently.