Nick Fury, Goliath and Friends Mental Recursion

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Fetch · 8

Hello my fellow Marvel Champions enthusiasts,

The whole idea of this deck is to maximise the utility Nadia Van Dyne's G.I.R.L ability to play again and again the best card in the game : Nick Fury.

The theme is also ''Mental Ressource''. With the exception of resource cards and Go Down Swinging, all the added basic and leadership cards have a mental resource icon. This allows us to shuffle back into our deck almost every card in our discard pile with the G.I.R.L ability in alter-ego ; slowing down decking out and shuffling back our combo pieces. Speaking of combos, here are the card synergies that make the deck work :

-Goliath + Go Down Swinging : 9 damage, using Goliath action would discard him at the end of the phase, might as well add 4 damage with Go Down Swinging.

-Goliath + Rapid Response : 10 damage, make sure that Goliath has 2 of fewer hit points left, use his action/attack which defeats him and play him again with Rapid Response and redo is action.

-''Ultimate ability'' : Goliath + Rapid Response + Go Down Swinging : 14 damage, same as above and add Go Down Swinging at the end.

-Any ally + Regroup

-Nick Fury + Rapid Response : allows you to tank the villain attack with Nick Fury, and play him again in the villain phase. Helps to tank an additional big minion and perform his when played action, most likely drawing you 3 more cards for your next turn.

-Black Panther : get your Go Down Swinging from your discard pile. Use it on him, or Beast or any other ally.

I guess this build could be applied to every hero in the game with a few changes here and there (like removing Ingenuity and Moon Girl for non-genius character) and still perform pretty well. However, I do think it will never be as good as when played with Wasp because of her G.I.R.L ability in alter-ego.

Have Fun!