You Ever Met A Berserker Bub?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

Castlefrank47 · 1803

This deck is centered around a couple of different things including one of Wolverine's upgrades that doesn't get much use Berserker Frenzy which allows him to draw a card each time he takes damage from an enemy attack. Superpower Training helps us get this online quicker. Wolverine will be defending alot as well to minimize the damage he takes but still profit from Berserker.

We're also going to summon minions with "Come Get Me, Bub!". More on that later.

The other main component of the deck is centered around Rogue and some fun interactions between Wolverine and her.

Wolverine is one of my favorite characters to play in the game, the way his kit is designed feels really thematic to how he's portrayed in the comics. He doesn't mind taking damage to deal some out and can heal like no ones business. This deck is going to feed into that big time, health is just a way to pay for things.

To get set up we want berserker frenzy out and hopefully clear Specialized Training as well. If we grab Front Line Specialist Wolverine gets +4 health and draws a card when he takes damage( this is limited to once since we have to exhaust it) so we're actually drawing 2 cards for taking damage per turn. To minimize the amount of damage we have a couple of different options:

Energy Barrier allows us to decrease the damage by one and deflect it back at an enemy. This is really nice when a villain doesn't have a strong base Attack but hits a larger boost to negate some of that damage.

Northstar is great for really hard hitting villains like Juggernaut. We can use his ability to negate the boost card and then we're only taking the damage from the villains base Attack. With protective training on him, you could cancel 6 boost cards if you were so inclined.

Rogue is the centerpiece for us. By "touching" Wolvy she can be a 4/4 ally and only deals 1 damage to him. Where this gets fun is by doing this:

Play come get me bub to summon a minion and heal 3 plus get a tough. Now Rogue "deals" the damage which means that even tho she's hitting the tough she gains wolverines stats. You've just healed 3 and Boosted your ally for essentially no cost. The next best part is this also frees you up to use your claws since the tough is gone.

I've also added Anticipation for Wolvy to get a ready if he defended the turn before when that minion is pulled.

Adding Protective Training to Rogue gives her 6 health which also allows us to Game Time her for extra activiations and we also have a few different ways to keep her alive all game:

Med Team can heal her for 2.

Render Medical Aid allows you to heal 5 from any combination of allies. With all the healing Wolvy has you can typically sink most of it into her.

Once Wolvy is set up with Rogue, Berserker and front line a turn can look like this:

Villain attacks, Wolvy defends and takes damage drawing 2 cards. If we have Indomitable he can also ready from that defense.

Start hero phase with 7 cards and heal 2 damage from his hero ability. Use come get me to bring out a minion healing 3 plus getting a tough.

Rogue can touch Wolvy removing the tough and either thwart or Attack for 4, twice if we have game time.

This also frees us up to use our claws so Lunging Strike could be used to kill that minion and get us overkill damage.

Slice and Dice could finish off the minion and the second attack could hit the villain.

Berserker Barrage could take out the minion and we could take 2 more damage to deal the attack again if we wanted.

With his Skeleton, Wolvy is also a 3 attack with piercing which can negate annoying minions who come with tough( looking at you Zola).

The flexibility with how many cards he will have in hand plus his larger health pool and ability to use his claws can lead to some really great turns.

With his Adamantium skeleton and Front Line his health can go up to 18. With the damage reduction we have combine with his healing, he's next to impossible to defeat from damage.

Thwart is managed extremely well also, his thwart event isn't outstanding but utilizing it on our PSS is a guaranteed clear and draws 2 cards cycling the deck. Even on Specialized he could thwart 2 off and use Track by Scent to finish it off.

Rogue can be a 4 thwart ally any turn She touches wolvy.

Professor X brings 3 thwart and can give Rogue/Wolvy a ready. The confuse is beneficial even tho we won't flip down as it prevents a scheme activation.

Gambit is mainly to pull rough encounter cards out but if he gets a 3 boost icon he might be a candidate for protective training as well.

Overall I really enjoy this deck and it handles itself really well, it allows Wolverine to do all the things he's good at and feels really thematic. Even tho he's characterized as a loner, he was always one to protect the students and this deck protects his allies while he takes the damage.

I'd love to hear any feedback or experiences with the deck!


Dec 22, 2024 Daring Lime · 3291

I really like the use of North Star. That's an ally that I need to play more of.

Dec 22, 2024 boomguy · 2398

Awesome! I’m always here for a new CastleFrank deck!

Dec 22, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 1803

@Daring Lime I don't use him a whole lot either but he's really nice for perfect defense decks or ones like this to just mitigate damage. Appreciate you checking it out!

@boomguy thank you sir, I appreciate the support! Love seeing you putting more decks out lately also!

Dec 22, 2024 corbintm · 2584

Good work here! Maybe a good time to revisit Wolverine!

Dec 22, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 1803

@corbintm I appreciate you checking it out! He's one that I know doesn't jive with your playstyle as much but he's got some pretty entertaining things he can do. Rogue works really well with him

Dec 24, 2024 TabooTapeworm · 8

I just used this deck to beat the Sentinel Weekly One Shot that came out today (challenge 24). I dropped 3 copies of come get me bub for 3 copies of pinned down. I pinned down the Bastion and he provided me with a constant stream of damage for Berserker! North Star was the MVP making sure the damage wasn't too high.

Dec 24, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 1803

@TabooTapeworm thanks for checking it out and glad to hear it worked for you! Like the idea of using pinned down for that scenario!

Feb 04, 2025 JG4AU · 1

Why are there always cards I don't have with decks I want to try? This looks so much fun but missing 3 cards. I have core, all heroes, and the 4 Avenger type expansions but none of the X-men expansions. Any suggestions?

Feb 06, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 1803

@JG4AU appreciate you checking it out! If you have all the x-men heroes and are just missing the expansions then you're only missing a few cards. You'd be out protective training and Superpower training.

The main goal of the deck is to keep Rogue alive and let Wolverine take damage so you could sub in Elixir as a way to heal her.

Possibly a 3rd med team to increase the chances of getting one into play.

You could also swap in Utopia and some cheap xmen allies like armor, Forge, beak, etc. as a way to ready Rogue since game time is not useful without the protective training

You could also just swap in more copies of Anticipation, Indomitable or energy barrier