Children of the Adam

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Children of the Adam amended 0 0 0 1.0

InigoMontoya · 4930


Children of the Atom opens up so many combos for Adam Warlock with X-Force and X-Men allies. Let's go through some of the biggest ones.

  • Utopia + Children of the Atom on the board means that not only do you get +1 ally limit as long as you don't have Pip the Troll in play, but also every ally other than Pip that you play will trigger the ready from Utopia. Plus, any allies except Pip can be a target for that Utopia ready.

  • Pete Wisdom + Rogue. Those of you who play X-Force Protection decks already know this combo. Every time Rogue uses her action on Pete she'll have 4 attack and 5 thwart. Add a Utopia ready in there, and it becomes insane. If you give Rogue Protective Training she can stick around for a very long time.

  • Symbiote Suit actually increases your chances of getting a treachery. So, it's a good way to heal Pete Wisdom. You can also use Battle Mage to heal him every round. All of this is fantastic, but is hiding the real combo here. Or maybe trifecta?

  • Gunboat Diplomacy + Pete Wisdom + Rogue. Fully set up this will do 9 damage and 9 thwart among enemies and schemes. It's fantastic and you have 3 other ways to play it. 2 copies of Quantum Magic will bring it back. Keep Up the Pressure will actually make it 9 thwart and 10 damage and pull it from your deck or discard pile. Even just having two allies with a combined 4 thwart makes this card worth playing.

  • Cosmic Ward + Return the Favor. The only downside of Cosmic Ward is that it's a forced interrupt. So, you don't get to choose which treachery it blanks. It has to be the first one. Lucky for us, Return the Favor discards until you get a treachery. So, for 3 ER you get 5 damage, and the next treachery in the deck out of the way. These cards were meant for each other.

  • Phoenix + Polaris + Mutant Mayhem. Phoenix readies one of your allies and Polaris gives one a tough status card. Not on Phoenix: once Utopia is in play, you either want to already have two X-men ally targets on the board, or you want to play another X-Men ally after her. With 5 enters play allies in this deck, there's plenty of options for Mutant Mayhem. If Rogue and Pete Wisdom are low on health, they're a great option, too.

  • Rogue + Wolverine + Professor X + Boot Camp . Rogue using her action on Wolverine + Boot Camp = 6 damage. Use Professor X's ability to ready an X-men character, and she does 12 damage.

  • Embarrass Logan - Wolverine + Mission Training = Logan thwarting for 2 each round all game and healing up 1 at the start of each hero phase. It's decent thwarting, but it's really there for the comedic effect.

  • Mission Leader + One Way or Another - It's a well-known duo, but one that gets you 4 cards. There's plenty of thwart here to clear the side scheme drawn.

  • Boom Boom + Phoenix + Professor X + Utopia - You caught me. This a secretly an OTK deck. If you choose, bring in Boom Boom with Call for Backup then ready her with the above cards. You can also switch out Mutant Mayhem for Command Team to get even more readies. If you don't want to clear the 2nd stage with Boom Boom, you can just use her clear every minion on the board.

There's many more combos to explore! Get your hand size to 7, use Mystic Senses and Karmic Blast your way to wins! You'll blow through the 45 cards in this deck with ease.


Nov 24, 2024 MOSER319 · 95

Rogue only gets printed thwart, which means she'd have 5 thwart with the set up you said with pete

Nov 24, 2024 InigoMontoya · 4930

@MOSER319 You're right. I updated the write-up to reflect what.

Nov 24, 2024 Papaporio · 54

Pero Pete Wisdom sólo puede jugarse si tu superheroe tiene rasgo X-force? O estoy equivocado?

Nov 24, 2024 InigoMontoya · 4930

@Papaporio Correct, that's where Call For Backup and Summoning Spell come in. Since they put the ally into play that X-Force requirement doesn't apply.

Nov 24, 2024 Papaporio · 54

Perfecto entonces! Cool

Nov 25, 2024 Goatzilla · 233

I usually go for thematic decks, but this simply looks amazing! I will definitely give it a try next time I play Adam.

Nov 26, 2024 andyr · 8767

This is such a cool way to use Adam and the new alliance cards!!

Nov 26, 2024 InigoMontoya · 4930

@Goatzilla Thank you! Let me know how it goes.

@andyr I appreciate that. Your Gwen You Got This deck rocks!