Card draw simulator
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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andyr · 8467
A Magik Show
Magik leadership is definitely becoming a favorite for leadership heroes. We all like how Steve Rogers can discount the first played ally. Star-Lord makes anyone a Guardian. Cyclops can take ALL the X-Men with him. So how does Magik stack up?
Turns out, everyone wants to be Magik's assistants. She can make anyone cost one cheaper by putting them on top of her deck with Limbo. She's a mystic, so she can make an ally appear by casting a Summoning Spell.
Get Uncanny X-Men out and wow, allies are real cheap to play. Angel and Beak are played for free from the top. Everyone else just costs 1 (and with Clarity of Purpose, it really just costs you one health to get an ally out).
Then everything else just leans into putting allies into play. Ready with Utopia and attach a training with Danger Room Training. There isn't a lot of setup or strategy. Play some leadership for fun. Get cheap allies.
Nov 02, 2024 |
Nov 02, 2024Magik leadership is so good. So many ways to cheat them into play. Love it! |
Nov 03, 2024
Nov 04, 2024Awesome deck! I love the deck name reference! |
Nov 05, 2024I see you are a bit of a deck Magikcian. I like it |
Nov 05, 2024
Nov 05, 2024I'm not sure I understand Danger Room here. It requires you to be in Alter-Ego when playing an ally to get its effect (unless you want to rely on other players to use it for you). In alter-ego you have access to neither your hero ability nor Uncanny X-Men's effect (due to this deck not having Honorary X-Men). Utopia won't ready Magik either. What's the use case here? |
Nov 05, 2024I agree with |
Nov 05, 2024
Nov 05, 2024If it were me, I'd take out both the power of leaderships, take out 1 uncanny x-men, and add build support and honorary x-men.. then you're also at 40 cards. I don't think there are enough leadership cards to justify 2 of the power of leadership |
Nov 05, 2024Two things that I’d be aware of. First, just 1 honorary so you can add in an extra ready on alter ego and maybe get 1 or 2 allies at an extra cost will add fragility and inconsistency into an otherwise consistent deck. There will be times where you’ll get honorary up front and times where it’ll keep getting shuffled to the bottom. It won’t bring in the value consistently. Second, Build Support is nice, especially in solo, but not in higher player-count multiplayer. As far as Power of Leadership, it’s meant to give you wilds too so you can have an easier time with villain attachments and the sword bonus since this deck doesn’t have a lot of physical resources. I think if you plan to only do solo, those changes will be okay, but it will cost you consistency (and Build Support may end up feeling like a waste if Uncanny came first since the other supports are fairly cheap). I love those changes and they may work for your play style. But as far as a deck that has been a lot of fun for me to play on both solo and multiplayer, it’s worked great as is. |
Nov 05, 2024Like you said to each their own, but for me build support in multiplayer is great too just because it could help allies get their stuff online as well. I use it in a lot of decks. Plus it still gives you two chances to get uncanny x-men, but if you get that out early you could grab limbo or something potentially. You've probably played the deck a lot though so I could be completely off on all my points For power of leadership fair enough, but you could use digging deep for the same thing and then set it up to get discarded from the top of the deck with scrying or summoning spell. Also if you don't get honorary x-men right away then the deck works how you originally had it so its nbd bc its a good deck without it, i just think it adds more value when you flip. |
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