Nightcrawler full protection (english and spanish descriptio

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

txuan · 13

This deck focuses on Nightcrawler's great protective ability. With the Armored Vest and the Kurt's Cutlasses we will have 5 defense points. The Undaunted will allow us to draw an extra card each round. The three Hard to Ignore will make it easier to control the main plan with little effort. With Nerves of Steel we will be able to use an extra defensive event each turn without spending resources. With the events in this deck we will improve the control of the secondary plans and the minions. In addition, Change of Fortune will make us draw two extra cards each turn in which we eliminate a minion with the defensive events. Force Field Generator will improve our endurance.

Angel's Nest will allow us to recover a lot of health when we find ourselves on the brink of death.

Este mazo se focaliza en la gran capacidad de protección de Nightcrawler. Con el Chaleco blindado y los Kurt's Cutlasses tendremos 5 puntos de defensa. El Imperturbable nos permitirá robar una carta extra en cada ronda. Los tres Difícil de ignorar facilitarán el control del plan principal sin apenas esfuerzo. Con Nervios de acero podremos usar un evento defensivo extra cada turno sin gastar recursos. Con los eventos de este mazo mejoraremos el control de los planes secundarios y los esbirros. Además, Change of Fortune hará que robemos dos cartas extra en cada turno en el que eliminemos un esbirro con los eventos defensivos. El Generador de campo de fuerza mejorará nuestro aguante.

El Nido del Ángel hará que podamos recuperar mucha vida cuando nos veamos al borde la muerte.