Hawkeye's Aggressive Pals

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Peekay · 8

The aim of the deck is to solo with Hawkeye while he continues to put down constant damage either with arrows or basic attacks. An average turn would be to fire an arrow and then either another arrow or a basic attack with the Allies to clear the threat.


All Allies are Avengers to take advantage of Avengers Tower and reduce the cost of bring out those expensive threat removing Allies; Sentry, She-Hulk and War Machine. Once the threat is reduced they can be used in an offensive role.

Hulk is there to tank for hopefully a couple of turns and with the new rules nerfing Hawkeye's Quiver its not worth the risk of attempting an attack.

Mockingbird blurs the line between tank and threat removal so use appropriately to the situation. Ideally, use the Quincarrier to recall her and use the Avengers Tower to discount when returning to play.

Finally Spider-Girl to apply status's to a minion, attack and then block. A good tactic is to follow up with Press the Advantage to damage and card draw.


Mulligan for the Hawkeye's Quiver is a valid strategy. It's possible live without the Hawkeye's Quiver but it feels like like a struggle to get the Hawkeye engine going.

Always play arrows from the Hawkeye's Quiver as a priority rather from the hand. This leads to better turns as you now have an extra resource in hand.

Getting Quincarrier and both Expert Marksman will give you smoother turns. Play Martial Prowess if it comes out first, otherwise it's a nice ot have.

Try to play two arrows early until Combat Training is out then go for an arrow and basic attack supplemented by Skilled Strike for the bigger damage turns. Once the board is set up then Earth's Mightiest Heroes gives you another way to put down some more damage with either a basic attack or readying the bow for another arrow.