To You, My X-Men

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

andyr · 7430

Classic "To Me, My X-Men!" deck. Get some allies in. Take advantage of their "Enters Play" effect. Enjoy Gambit removing bad boosts and coming back to your hand. Get your favorite X-Men back in with X-Men Instruction. And you don't need to worry about chump blocking because you can Bamf!.

Then when the X-Men comes back at the end of the phase, you can either play them cheaply with Uncanny X-Men and Team-Building Exercise, or use them to grab a Bamf!.

This deck runs pretty straight forward for a deck with this many allies. You should always be able to target it.

Supports that really matter are Uncanny X-Men and Team-Building Exercise. The others are just nice to have.


Sep 22, 2024 Daring Lime · 1703

I really like Nightcrawler in leadership, and I think he works really well with this strategy!

Sep 22, 2024 dr00 · 44316

looks fun. it's such a shame daytripper isn't x-men though :(

but i think Nightcrawler is going to do really well in a deck like this cos he just grabs Bamfs out of his deck and discard, so you don't care that your deck keeps reshuffling. plus, he can chump for them easily, letting the ones you do play stay around a bit longer

Sep 22, 2024 andyr · 7430

@Daring Lime thanks so much! I'm not a big fan of allies, but I love when the hero can tank for them.

@dr00 man, if Daytripper were an X-Men that would be too much good brokenness :D. it would probably be good to give people a heads up that playing her would cause you to lose the ally limit from Utopia and cost bonus from Uncanny X-Men while she's in play.

Sep 25, 2024 wehehe · 204

No side-plans ? I love playing at least Build Support in Uncanny X-Men decks.

I was also thinking in a leadership Nightcrawler build, but my idea was to constantly recur Daytripper with Make the Call, Rapid Response and so, to BAMF as much as possible.

I guess your plan with Daytripper is to chumpblock as soon as possible with her to re-enable your bonuses? Or you just ignore her when you draw it once Utopia and/or Uncanny X-Men is in play?

Do you think that Nightcrawler really has something that makes his "to me my x-men" different than the same deck with a different hero? I'm totally sure that, for example, Cyclops makes it quite unique, but I fear that Nightcrawler don't. It's just the same as playing it with any other hero (and I'm probably wrong). I'm very interested in knowing your ideas.

Sep 25, 2024 andyr · 7430

hey, @wehehe! thanks for the comments. To me, the unique Nightcrawler leadership build would be around Go All Out and Push Ahead. His Prehensile Tail wants him to play events, he doesn't exhaust to defend, and you can use Morale Boost and R&D Facilities so Go All Out one-shots a fair amount of villain phases. I'd definitely add Build Support with that one. With my deck, Band Together will help you most of the time with getting supports in. Player Side Schemes are a mixed bag to me, especially in higher player counts. You're welcome to add it in, but make sure not to rely on it for getting key supports in.

Daytripper is definitely on an as-needed basis. It's okay to not have the bonuses if you aren't going to play an x-man ally or need the extra ally slot. Daytripper doesn't stick around more than two phases because you want her to make the deck shuffle. So she comes in, helps with Bamf!, then either has two thwarts and you get your bonuses back on the second hero phase, or she chumps and you get your bonuses back on the second hero phase. But it's true, in this deck, she's not sticking around.

As far as Nightcrawler goes with this archetype, i'm not looking to make it unique, however, this deck gives Nightcrawler some interesting choices. Utopia means Nightcrawler can feel comfortable choosing when to exhaust to defend in multiplayer. When you get to pull the ally back from "To Me, My X-Men!", it's a sixth card in your hand. You can either choose to play the ally next hero phase or discard it to bring Bamf! back to your hand. That option from "To Me, My X-Men!" makes it worthwhile for Nightcrawler who wants to always be grabbing a bamf but also wants to be playing one or two events. This deck lets him do that.

As far as whether it's different from doing this deck with other X-Men heroes, I'm less worried about that question. That might be true, it might not, but it doesn't affect how useful this deck is as a way to play Nightcrawler.

Sep 25, 2024 wehehe · 204

Thanks to you for sharing your thoughts ! It truly looks like a very fun deck to play.

Question about uniqueness is just a very personal obsession. When I play Marvel Champions I love to feel that the deck is using the hero's uniqueness in some way. I'm not a big fan of decks which can be easily "switched" from one hero to another, and work in exactly the same way, that's why I was asking about it, but, as I have already said, is just a very personal issue.

Anyway, Nightcrawler being probably the best defender of all the X-men roster (sorry Colossus ), is one of the best candidates for this archetype.

Sep 25, 2024 andyr · 7430

I appreciate you sharing why that matters. I hope it’ll honor that ideal for you.

Sep 25, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 5459

Whipping the tail into a To Me My X-Men sounds like a great time haha