Deadpool: City Planner

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RTimMorris · 222

Acceleration tokens look like little houses! And the population's growing! Enter: Deadpool, City Planner! Your job is to arrange those houses in a pleasing manner. Wade's resume speaks for itself (even if it's written in lemon juice), so let's get building!

First things first, your neighbourhood is definitely going to need a weapon shop, isn't it? Supply and demand, people. Hit up "Wade's Weapon Wonanza" (wouldn't ya know it, "Wade's Weapon Warehouse" was trademarked! but Wonanza will catch on, you just wait...) Here, you can load up on Deadpool's Katana's, Sonic Rifle's, and a trusty Side Holster. Armed to the Teeth will hold 1 Sonic Rifle and swap it out for another, for that classic unlimited Confuse-Lock strategy (that one's copyrighted too, but screw it, I'm using it anyway).

And food trucks are trendy right now, right? Might want to park a Chimichanga Truck right outside the villain's BOOP (that's a Base Of OPerations, for you copyright necessary since nobody's likely to steal it). Get Bishop to work the order window, since he's probably got nothing better to do.

And if you're in charge of running the neighbourhood, you're gonna want to be a good neighbour aren't ya? All these flashy Player Side Schemes will help impress the working men and their lonely housewives much more than a shovelled sidewalk or a good meatloaf, and a Predictable Ploy will have them thanking you over and over. Hey, you might even get invited to a BBQ for your troubles.

One Way or Another, your Determination to showing a Great Responsibility to the neighbourhood will pay off (see what a good throwaway sentence can do?). Once you've got things all tickety-boo, you and your best bud (Cable) can clink some cold ones while your old lady (Moira MacTaggert) will be happy staying put to home school (Mutant Education) the kids. It'll be just like The Stepford Wives, or Leave it to Beaver, or The Wonder Years, or whatever crap makes you happy!

Also don't be afraid to use Monopoly houses instead of Acceleration tokens. Now your theme is dripping!

And boom: your city is set! Just try not to burn it down...


Mar 20, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 466

This is one of the funniest write ups I've seen. Completely on brand and I love it. I'll be testing this out, thanks for sharing!

Mar 20, 2024 RTimMorris · 222

@Castlefrank47 Thanks! Hope you get the chance to run through some games with it, and feel free to reply with any suggestions for it.

May 26, 2024 Diggitydoo42 · 7

I would absolutely love to play this deck, it's hilarious! But my collection is not refined enough to be able to play it. :(

May 27, 2024 RTimMorris · 222

@Diggitydoo42 Thanks! Deadpool's Champion Deck Testing Tip #54: use the company resources to print out copies of all the stuff you don't have, sleeve 'em up, and get to work. Just be sure to not tell your boss about it, and DEFINITELY don't leave your copies sitting right there in the copier when the Team Lead is rushing for stuff before their big productivity meeting! You can thank me later ;)