Visionpool - Can't Touch This

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Alatreon · 106

What this deck is about:

1) Staying comfy in Intangible mass form. Combined with Healing Factor, you'll be really hard to kill.

2) Using your three android allies. Hope Summers brings out your Superpower cards (eligible cards are basically your every hero event ever + Density Control) and copies your Android trait. Machine Man provides a great resource sink for your double and triple resource cards as well as Solar Gem and Quincarrier. Vivian is Vivian - she'll help you manage threat in Intangible form, except when you really want something dead - Get Rage-y + Reboot will hurt. A lot.

3) Tic-Tac-Toe is a further resource sink which notably allows Vision to deal damage despite being in Intangible form. Along with Healing Factor, Quincarrier and Solar Gem, it's potentially 4 damage healed in one turn without touching anything in your hand.

4) Mulligan and Plot Convenience are here to help the Get Rage-y + Reboot combo happen as often as possible. Also, do note that in alter-ego you could use Dense-boosted recovery, switch to Intangible for extra hand size and then play Mulligan to benefit from both of his form bonuses in one turn.

5) Honorary Avenger's first priority is Vivian. The remaining HA can be used on Machine Man or Hope Summers, depending on your situation. In general we want Machine Man and Vivian to stay on field as long as possible, while Hope Summers stays on field as long as needed - we don't want to waste her "when played from your hand" effect by having her stay on the field too long and not getting re-played.

6) Once you draw Mass Increase (and perhaps some Reboots and Get Rage-y's), you can very safely go into Dense form to deal some heavy damage with Vision and ATK-boosted Vivian, then on the next player phase do some more damage and flip back to Intangible.


Mar 19, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 1581

I haven't played Vision in so long but I want to give this a shot. I love the idea of utilizing Hope Summers in here. She's so underrated. Thanks for sharing!

Mar 20, 2024 Alatreon · 106

@Castlefrank47 I absolutely love coming up with cool decks for either Hope Summers, I agree she's underrated!