Spider-Ham Venom Pool, Across The Spider-Verse

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Renatus · 8

The idea of this deck is playing as many time as you can the combo Web of Life and Destiny and Warrior of the Great Web and Across the Mojoverse. In one hand, you will draw each time a web-warrior leaves the game ; In the other hand, you will have +1 attack until the end of the phase. To make this combo efficient, you have to draw a lot. So you have put in play Web of Life and Destiny and then use Warrior of the Great Web

I-put Web of Life and Destiny

If you want a Spider-Ham powerful, you have to play the key cards of your deck as many time as you can. This deck gives you three ways to succeed : a-increase your hand by one with Symbiote Suit

b-draw with support Avengers Mansion+upgrade Specialized Training which gives you an extra draw if you play a basic power+Petulant Pig

c-decrease the number of cards in your deck with side scheme and they speed your implementation too.

d-the loop : Web of Life and Destiny+Across the Spider-Verse+web warrior ally leaving the game

The loop is very powerful with #SP//dr+#Spider-Man/Peter-parker/web-warrior+Get Rage-Y+Across the Spider-Verse because you draw four time in one turn

A-Put in play Web of Life and Destiny

B-Put in play SP//dr →she attacks

C-Play #Spider-Man/Peter-parker/web-warrior →ready her

D-SP//dr counters →come-back in your hand + DRAW

A'-Put in play SP//dr →she attacks

B'-Play #Get Rage-y →ready her

C'-SP//dr counters →come-back in your hand + DRAW

A''-Put in play SP//dr →she counters →leaves the game →DRAW

B''Play Across the Spider-Verse →Put in play SP//dr→she counters →leaves the game →DRAW

But if you do when Warrior of the Great Web is in play, you increase the basic attack of your hero. Not only you draw cards but you increase your attack.

II-put Warrior of the Great Web and use it efficiently

you will increase your attack permanently with : Huge Wooden Hammer+Symbiote Suit+Combat Specialist. An another upgrade can increase your attack if you have it : Anti-Regeneration Ray. You have a basic attack of 5 minimum

This basic attack of 5 can easily increase :

A-pay the cost of Huge Wooden Hammer : +2 with overkill

B-The loop Web of Life and Destiny :

With our previous exemple with SP//dr, you could attack with +4. You can potentially attack for 11 with overkill three time :

A-Lean your hero →attack

B-use Organic Webbing →ready your hero →attack

C-use Stick-To-Itiveness →ready your hero →attack

In one turn, you do 33 damage with overkill.

III-Other cards give you value

Down Time+Symbiote Suit give you a recuperation of 8

Self Confidence and Self Preservation give you often a double ressource more than a triple. But, in each case, you play easily your cards.

Enjoy !