Unleash Nova Force + Player Side Schemes TURBO

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Nova /Liderazgo 1 0 0 1.0
Nova /Liderazgo 0 0 0 2.0
Nova /Liderazgo 1 0 0 3.0
Nova /Liderazgo 0 0 0 4.0
Nova /Liderazgo 0 0 0 5.0
Nova /Liderazgo 0 0 0 6.0
Nova /Liderazgo 0 0 0 7.0
Nova /Liderazgo 0 0 0 8.0
Nova /Liderazgo 0 0 0 9.0

AstroAstronaut · 32

Welcome to my first published decklist! (Hooray!) Tips are appreciated.

The basic idea of this deck is to buff up Nova to a massive amount of thwart and play Unleash Nova Force to clear as many schemes as possible.

The player side schemes in this deck are Call for Backup and Build Support. Call for Backup is mostly for Snowguard, as 4 cost is steep, and Build Support is for Quincarrier. Note that even though it can only be played from your hand if you are an Avenger, it can be put into play from your deck or discard with Build Support. (This works similarly to Stinger and Make the Call unless there is a rule change I am unaware of)

The main way we will buff Nova’s thwart is with Cloud 9 and the three copies of Command Team. I also have 2x Flying Formation as well to ready Cloud 9. If we use Cloud 9’s ability five times, (Once normally, three times with Command Team, and another time with Flying Formation), we can get Nova to 6 thwart. With this much thwart, he should be able to clear most side schemes pretty easily.

Conclusion: Do you like clearing a lot of side schemes in a single turn while having enough resources to last a lifetime? This deck is for you!


Nov 25, 2023 HeroicSkeleton · 276

I like the idea! Are you having any issues having the right resource cards? "The power of" cards are great for Nova's events that want the wilds, but I am wondering if they become a problem when you want to pay for something big like flying formation or avengers mansion and have the wrong one? Also, have you considered Falcon? He's another ally thats both Champion and Aerial, and you can use him to ready Cloud 9 again.

Nov 25, 2023 AstroAstronaut · 32

@HeroicSkeleton Yes, I was thinking of replacing one to two of the resource cards with Energy and Genius, and I tried Falcon, and he works wonders with the deck!