Three big things to consider if looking to use this card:
1) This will do 4 damage to an enemy if played by Archangel. This shouldn't be disregarded lightly
2) This card has Alliance. So this is more of a multiplayer card for sure. Across the table in a 3-4 player game, it's rare for all players to use all resources. Talk to each other to figure out if you want to incorporate this.
3) Players can request Actions. So this can be played on anyone's turn. If you are playing Angel (or in this instance, you are likely going to be playing a lot of Archangel if incorporating this card and easily using that 3 defense and getting another basic with this) and know other Aerial characters are going to be on the table, this can get incorporated at any time.
If you draw this card after building it into your deck and other players have Aerial, make sure you mention it. Being able to work out re-readying your squad while blasting an enemy for 4 is good to know to make the decision to defend with your heroes instead of chump blocking or using other limited use defensive measures. This is a card that will need coordination to use effectively, but also doesn't need to be used every time it pops into your hand.
Interestingly enough, Iceman is definitely a character who benefits from extra basic actions, so good on the designers for having the foresight of sticking him on the card as well