Fluid Stunlock Cap

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

frozenfirez · 70

I wanted to build a aggresion deck with some of the least used cards i own like Toe to Toe, Fluid Motion and yes.. Drop Kick and Cap felt like a perfect candidate for this kind of setup.

With his 2x Super-Soldier Serum and Martial Prowess its relatively easy to play Drop Kick and together with his kit cards and Mockingbird we try to stun lock the villain.

Toe to Toe comes in handy against minions but with all the stuns and Shield Block it can often be used to hit the villain as well

And finnaly with all the attack events we use we can easily proc Fluid Motion to help us deal even more damage with our basic attacks which can be done twice a turn thanks to "i can do this all day"

I also decided to run Warrior Skill and Aggressive Energy to power up our No Quarter and One by One. Warrior Skill can also power up our Shield Toss

So yeah, that is pretty much the deck. Its nothing special but i just wanted to try something "new". Thank you for reading!