Ten Percent Luck, Twenty Percent Skill

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
La tutora de Calvos 2 0 0 1.0
Psylocke Agresión Confusa 0 0 0 1.0
Psylocke Aggression 0 0 0 1.0
Psylocke TTS V1 0 0 0 1.0
Psylocke TTS V1 0 0 0 2.0
Psylocke TTS V1 0 0 0 3.0
Psylocke TTS V1 0 0 0 4.0

MegiDolaDyne · 4376

I wasn't initially that excited for Psylocke, compared to the other heroes in this wave. But after seeing her entire kit, I've come around to realizing she has a lot more potential for fun gameplay and deckbuilding than I'd previously imagined. At the same time, though, she's also proven a greater challenge to build than I'd imagined. As strong as her resource gen and status access is, it's balanced out by her low hero hand size and a noticeable lack of damage. To best play into her strengths and weaknesses, what we have here is a deck that takes advantage of quite a few of her most unique qualities, helpfully broken down in strangely similar proportions to a certain Fort Minor song. For those who want to know what it's all about... it's like this:

10% Luck

First off, you might notice a weird distribution of basic resource cards. No Strength or Energy, but three Power of the Mind? You betcha. The idea here is that this deck doesn't actually have many cards that benefit from Strength and Energy; all the 2-cost events are also Psionic so Power of the Mind works just as well for them, it's better for the Honed Technique side of the deck, plus we can dump it on Telekinesis or Telepathy in a pinch. And Psylocke's unique situation in terms of her hand size vs. her resource count means she doesn't want to spend too much deck space on doubles at the risk of drawing a dead hand. So we've devoted four slots, 10% of our deck, to doubles and with any luck they'll do their job.

20% Skill

Training Regimen is a pretty insane thing to have, and forms the core of what this deck is built around. With this, any skill in your deck can be accessed as part of a toolbox, and you can find and search whichever one you can afford depending on the situations. Psylocke's three in-kit skills aren't really central to a core gameplan, just powerful one-shot effects that can be set up in advance and used when needed. We've added another five techniques, meaning that our deck is, wait for it, comprised of 20% skill cards. Honed Technique is the big one. Psi-Knives mean Psylocke has an easier time getting this into play than the average hero since she's resource-rich and specifically resource-rich with lots of mental access. We have Combat Training and Fluid Motion to pump up our ATK stat to a very respectable 5 on most turns, Target Acquired as a search option against matchups with devastating boost effects, and then Directed Force as a way to push more damage in a pinch (don't forget, our basic attacks have piercing when at least one Psi-Katana is out, plus it can also enhance a Psi-Bow Attack!). Keep in mind that Regimen can work in both hero and alter-ego mode, depending on your needs for that turn, and if you just want to search one of these skills in Alter-Ego as a resource to pitch that's still a very important use.

15% Concentrated Power of Will

As a Honed Technique deck, we naturally need events that work with Honed, and Aggression's Psionic events (making up 15% of our deck) will fill that slot perfectly. Psychic Assault needs no introduction as its power level speaks for itself, but Psi-Bow Attack might need a bit of justification. On its face it's not the strongest card, and the Ranged is often not going to be that helpful. But it's flexible, it can be paid for with Power of the Mind and Team-Building Exercise, it triggers Psimitar, and it's just generally more reliable than most Aggression events. You could probably make a version of this deck that runs fewer basic cards and leans into No Quarter instead, but the basics do add a lot of power to this list.

5% Pleasure

Two slots in this deck (5%) are dedicated to the Cerebro-Professor X combo. All credit goes to journeyman2 for this one. Thanks to Betsy Braddock's Alter-Ego ability to shuffle Psionic cards back into her deck, Cerebro basically allows her to play Professor X whenever she wants once Cerebro's out. Depending on the matchup and the boardstate, this can be a resource dump to save you from bad draws, a source of defense to make up for Psylocke's frailty, or an entire gameplan in its own right.

50% Pain

As for the rest of the cards that I haven't talked about yet, there's a few more X-Men to search as well in case you don't need the Prof; Sunfire's ability to discard annoying attachments can be very relevant even if the energy isn't always easy to get. And if the villain's already confused, Wolverine can stick to the board forever as a consistent source of damage or threat removal. Side Holster is in here because it gives us room to both keep Psimitar in play and switch to double Katana mode once we're ready to start beating face with 5 ATK. Since only the Katanas are restricted and not the Knives, you can play the Psimitar before you draw Holster. But do try to play the Holster when you can because if Psylocke draws her obligation without it, she'll be forced into double katana mode and have to discard her Psimitar due to a lack of restricted slots. Crew Quarters keeps our health up reliably since we have so much confuse and want to flip often to take advantage of it, I briefly mentioned Telekinesis and Telepathy earlier but as emergency sources of cheap damage or thwart they get the job done. You probably won't need to play both of them but try to get one down when you can. And beyond that the only cards I haven't talked about are Psylocke's own events, which are of course still very strong and flexible even if the defensive ones are unreliable with all the flipping we want to do. Try not to get so focused on the aspect side of the deck that you forget about them. So, to wrap this up...

And a 100% chance that you'll be winning the game*!

*note: odds of winning may not actually be 100%


Sep 22, 2023 journeyman2 · 20972

Excellent deck name and theme!!

Sep 22, 2023 JA792010 · 1

I really enjoy your decks! Thanks for putting this together

Sep 22, 2023 SoloMarvelChampion · 919

This is very similar to the deck I've been building in my head since she was first announced, and then when Psimitar came out I knew I was going to be building (mostly) this deck! I'm putting mine together now and can't wait to run her through NextEv. I love you odds disclaimer at the bottom LOL

Sep 23, 2023 mv2392 · 96

I already ran her through SM on TTS, and didn’t include Psimitar because I totally spaced side holster, even though it’s in the Rocket deck I just made lol. Looks like a solid deck to take out.

Sep 23, 2023 dr00 · 40110

aggression Psylocke is definitely what i'm most excited to play first.

Sep 23, 2023 Billyboki · 51

How does she play Psimitar (Restricted) with her Psi-Katanas (Restricted) ? Do you have to keep only 1 Psi-Katana active ?

Sep 23, 2023 Dansome · 1

@Billyboki Side Holster!

Just played the deck vs Expert Goblin with Icarus Angel deck. Felt almost too easy. Great deck!

Sep 23, 2023 Billyboki · 51

Oops sry just saw Side Holster card.

Sep 24, 2023 KakitaJamie · 307

Any consideration for X-Mansion over Crew Quarters? Costs 1 more but is a bit more versatile being able to heal Wolverine and Sunfire.

Sep 24, 2023 MegiDolaDyne · 4376

Sunfire usually wants to chump ASAP and Wolverine has his own ways of healing. And Psylocke's both very frail and doesn't really want to recover, so she's almost always going to be the target for a Mansion heal. That said, Mutant Education is really nice for reshuffling some skills back into your deck so if you can make room, go for it.

Sep 26, 2023 Arczi · 1

I tried this deck as my first attempt with Psylocke. Aggainst one of my test deck guinea pig: Crossbones. I took him down easily in turn 4. Crazy deck, very interesting hero.

Sep 26, 2023 Tano Games · 2676

This is fun! Just played it against expert Red Skull. It made me come around on Telepathy and Telekinesis.

Oct 01, 2023 dachmuse · 1

Man, this deck of yours was hotter’n Olivia Munn in her Psylocke outfit! It cut through Marauders like butta!

Oct 07, 2023 ArielFriedrichGauss · 14

I think you linked the wrong card for Telepathy. It shows the Mister Sinister version of the card instead.

Oct 07, 2023 MegiDolaDyne · 4376

@ArielFriedrichGaussThanks for pointing this out, fixed. Probably doesn't matter too much since you can see the card in the decklist but I try to keep everything clean.

Nov 12, 2023 wojciech · 8

Very strong deck. 7/9 wins

Mar 20, 2024 Sever · 1

Took Psylocke for a spin for the very first time with this list vs Rhino and won on Turn 2. Deck is strong!