Spider-Woman - Mission planning

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10009

Right now Mission Planning is my new muse, and after CAP (https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/31429/captain-america-mission-planning-1.0), I had this idea: Mission Planning + Captain Marvel + Sky Cycle + Command Team. It's pretty cool!

Get set up faster using Build Support (get a Command Team out) and Superpower Training (Finesse).

Lots of draw from White Tiger, Nick Fury and Maria Hill to dig for the fun stuff.

Call for Backup to put Captain Marvel into play and abuse her ability to draw some more, readying her with Command Team and Sky Cycle, playing Mission Planning first so she doesn't get consequential damage.


Sep 02, 2023 journeyman2 · 20775

Love it, I’ve been messing with Spider-Woman and Adam Warlock Mission Planning builds with Enraged Thor/Dust. Either high consequential or extra activations, it really needs to be differentiated from other available ally heals like First Aid. Spider-Woman is always so key to make anything work!

Sep 02, 2023 neothechosen · 10009

@journeyman2 Thanks! I didn't think of Adam Warlock or Enraged, these are great ideas! Looking forward to your deck as always!

Sep 02, 2023 josseroo · 618

I so desperately want to find room for Skilled Investigator in here

Sep 03, 2023 neothechosen · 10009

@josseroo Yeah I get that! I also had Giant-Man and Daredevil in there - pretty sweet combos with Mission Planning. But I tend to stick to 40 cards and things were getting very costly!