Street Level Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shazbahty · 586

Back again with another "off meta" hero/aspect combo. Imagine my surprise to find out that Justice was the least published (at the time of publishing this deck). But how do to make a Valkyrie justice deck that feels like a Valkyrie deck and not just a just deck? Then I saw Interrogation Room and the wheels started turning.

Welcome to the streets! While other heroes are off dealing with the global/cosmic threats Valkyrie is looking to the streets. Rely on the local Beat Cop to search out leads on what the villain is up to. Use Chooser of the Slain to search for a minion and then interrogate them for more information.

The streets are a hectic place that doesn't give one time to think, as a result this deck doesn't have any thwarting events. Combine Stealth Strike with Interrogation Room to help manage threat. Don't worry about flipping down with Concussive Blow.

Valkyrie isn't the only hero patrolling the streets though. She is joined by Spider-Man Daredevil Jessica Jones and others.

This deck is a bit different from the ones I usually build. This isn't the easiest one to pilot. It takes patience and sometimes just risk. It is a slow burning deck that relies almost exclusively on Beat Cop for threat management. One thing I've taken from D20Woodworking is that you need take your time with her. Don't put Death-Glow on a minion unless you know you're finishing them instantly. Keep it off the villain unless you are guaranteed to play Shieldmaiden or are going to rush the villain.

This isn't a cheap deck either with maybe a higher cost curve then Hulk's kit. I did include Quincarrier but left out Helicarrier though you might want to switch that in. Consider Vigilante Training to recycle in Stealth Strike or Concussive Blow.