Giant With Noble Intentions

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Podbreaker · 4

This deck is primarily one to address two of the main short falls of the Hulk deck, namely that of thwart and hand size.

Using the likes of Clear the Area , Moon Girl and One Way or Another ... it at least gives Hulk a chance to start building his board with extra draw cards.

Though Hulk is no slouch in the ATK department, I also felt it necessary to provide opportunities for him to damage enemies, even whilst thwarting, so Followed is a proponent of this strategy.

Apart from the obvious (that being, having chosen the) Justice aspect, cards like Overwatch and Lay Down the Law in tandem provide the solution of closing out multiple side schemes and keeping main scheme down, due to the use of One Way or Another bringing out schemes in order for you to draw cards.

I'd suggest staying in AE the first couple or few rounds, to try and get out the Justice and basic upgrades, to attach the main scheme; Ingenuity to give you that extra mental resource, and to maybe get an ally out for that extra help...

Don't forget you can play Lockjaw from your discard pile, so don't worry about getting him on the board straight away..just keep tabs on him, and when the opportunity arises, see if you can play him.

I've used this deck only on Absorbing Man , so I wouldn't play this deck if the scenario is minion based, or has many high threshold schemes...eager to try this on Tower Defense...

I think it may struggle with the likes of Red Skull or say, Infiltrate the Museum...

Finally, this deck is definitely for solo play I can't imagine putting out a scheme in multiplayer, just to get three cards yourself, would be appreciated! Hahaha