Ready, Set, Rogue

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

aschneider2525 · 47

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The Goal: Ready Rogue and use her hero stats as much as possible, using hero readying cards such as Ever Vigilant, What Doesn't Kill Me, & Utopia

Gameplay: Play Allies --> Attach Touched to Ally, gaining the AERIAL trait --> Play Ever Vigilant. Repeat as able.

Key Upgrades/Supports:

  1. Utopia
  2. Rogue's Jacket
  3. Deft Focus and/or X-Gene


  • Use Utopia to ready Rogue, playing one of the 8/9 X-Men allies.
  • Use Rogue's Jacket to boost her hero stat(s) to complement the "Hero Readying" strategy. When You have Ever Vigilant in hand, attach Touched to an ally and give Rogue 3 Thwart. When you need damage, attach to an enemy for 3 Attack.
  • Use Deft Focus & X-Gene to help affordably play Southern Cross & Goin' Rogue for supplemental attack/thwart.
  • Rogue doesn't mind taking damage, as What Doesn't Kill Me needs damage to heal. Therefore, her allies can be used more for utility & less for chump blocking.
  • The Night Nurse isn't needed, but she can round off the "Hero Readying" strategy by removing stuns/confuses.

This deck is far easier to setup the AERIAL trait than other heroes/decks. Rogue can be a powerful when she can use a combination of events and her basic hero powers, and this deck will help supplement that strategy in a fun way!