My Mjolnir Brings All the Boys to the Yard

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Thor - "Heimdall Open the Bifrost!" 58 49 18 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

maddox · 16

This deck has been a ton of fun so far, earning wins in both solo and coop.

I was initially skeptical about running all three "Bring It!"'s and 3x Looking for Trouble alongside Thor's innate 3x Defender of the Nine Realms. These cards produce so much value and card draw, it's insane. It all looks fine on paper, but you can't truly understand the power of this deck until you've had a turn where you grab 3 minions out of the encounter deck, draw 5+ extra cards, and then Lightning Strike everything for X=7, destroying an entire army and putting a pile of counters on Hall of Heroes.

Not to mention Looking and Defender put in a ton of Thwart work as well - probably the only thing keeping this deck solo-viable.

Heimdall seemed a little silly with his cost of 5, in a deck where the hero has a hand size of 4. But with Asgard in play, and Thor's passive giving you +2 cards (once per phase), you are frequently holding 7 or 8 cards at a time.

I was also skeptical about 3x Godlike Stamina, but it's incredibly strong in a deck like this. In my last play against Mutagen, I didn't have to REC a single time, and never dipped below 10HP. Clearing off a random Stun status is also really nice, especially when Thor is tapping for 4 ATK every turn.

The flex slots for me right now are the 2x Relentless Assault and 2x Battle Fury. They are both fine solid cards, with little lightning bolts in the bottom corner. Battle Fury is nice because you've got a default ATK of 4 with Mjolnir and Combat Training, so that untap can be quite nice. And Relentless Assault is just a staple for obvious reasons. There's probably a version of this deck that drops both Battle Fury and Combat Training and adds a third Relentless Assault, and maybe a Martial Prowess and a Boot Camp.

For now, this deck is in my Hall of Fame. It's fun, consistent, thematic, and I don't plan on taking it apart anytime soon. Just stick with minion-heavy scenarios :)


Apr 23, 2023 VillainTheory · 24170

This looks great! You've definitely sold me on the fun-factor haha! It makes me want to play Thor again right now.

I quite like to make use of Thor's big ATK stat, so I'd personally be tempted to use the four flex slots for Deft Focus and 3x Limitless Stamina - but I'm sure it runs great as it is.

Apr 25, 2023 maddox · 16

@VillainTheory Yeah, I think the only thing keeping me on Relentless Assault over Limitless Stamina is the energy resource. Are there enough targets here for Deft Focus?