Rocket Raccoon v Crossbones for GetUpandGame!PerfectMatchUp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Aoshi312 · 1295

Hi welcome to the fourteenth in a series of decks I plan to build directly influenced by the amazing Get Up and Game! Perfect Match-Up series found here: Please check out the channel and the video since I thought it was an amazing gift to the community and it inspired me to start playing Champions more regularly.

My goal with this series is to create a unique deck inspired by each challenge match-up in the video using all the suggested cards plus some of my own to create a deck that any player can use to check out the challenge. If you’re missing some cards from a deck please ask in the comments and I’ll do my best to find replacements from your collection so that you can have fun too! Hopefully I can build a deck that can beat the villain on both standard and expert. I’ll try to document any tweaks I made while playing the deck too.

Rocket putting his weapons tech up against the master of weapons himself: Crossbones! I dismantled Crossbones fairly quickly on Standard by unloading Rockets various weapons tech into him but Expert proved a bit more challenging. My first expert game ended turn 1 when a combination of Crossbones attack, his Crossbones' Machine Gun and an untimely copy of Weapon Master immediately took away Rockets 9 hit points! Thankfully I came back ready to rumble and took him down on Expert in the next two games even when Blackjack O'Hare showed up and managed to equip Crossbones with his Blackjack's Bazooka!

The goal of this deck is to draw tons of cards with Moon Girl, Nick Fury, One Way or Another and Rockets Tinkering and "Murdered You!" abilities. Just be wary of using One Way or Another if the only side scheme left in the deck is Legions of Hydra as its not worth it.

Rocket has plenty of double resources in his deck to help pay for all your basic allies and Avengers Mansion and you can utilize Professor X and "Think Fast!" to confuse Crossbones so you can flip down. Rocket is pretty much a glass cannon so keep some allies around to chump and use Making an Entrance and Schadenfreude to top off his health. Cybernetic Skeleton makes a world of difference in keeping him alive as well. Use Stealth Strike and Clear the Area to take care of minions and remove threat and both have the potential to draw you a card. Dont forget you can only have 2 restricted cards out without Side Holster.

When reasonable I highly recommend using your resources to take away Crossbones various weapons as they are often worth the resource cost to get rid of them. Make sure to flip down and toss your spent weapons or battery packs to gain even more card draw.

This is a really fun matchup and definitely felt fair with both hero and villain having low health pools and high damage outputs! Enjoy!