Captain America - Avengers on discount

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10653

This deck is all about putting allies in play at a discounted price and wreck the place.

You really want to play cards that will let you reduce the cost of allies or generate ressources ASAP:

Quinjet is more relevant than ever with 6 avengers in your deck. An early quinjet can turn into a real blessing a few turns later. Avengers Tower will let you reduce the cost of any avengers by one. Super-Soldier Serum is a very important upgrade, giving you extra resources instead of using cards to pay for your allies.

Of course, don't forget Steve's Living Legend. It combines with every other cost-reducing upgrade and is free. I usually flip after an attack or thwart just to play an ally.

Thwart with cap twice a turn if you need to buy time to set up your game.

Using Avengers tower and The Triskelion, you can push your allies limit to five. Make use of your allies multiple times using Rapid Response and Make the Call.

Last, Lead from the Frontt or Avengers Assemble! will turn your team into an incrdible force.

Have fun!