Gamora Target Practice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KakitaJamie · 327

LCG Discord Card Spotlight

Goal to build a deck that features the current spotlit card: Target Practice.

Target Practice has the potential to be 1 Effective resource for 2 Damage. Unfortunately the situation to get it there has a number of deck building requirements. The cool choice is definitely combos with Dust. But Overkill is another great way to take advantage Target Practice being able to sit and wait for the prime opportunity to strike.



Laser Blaster, Snowguard & Rocket Raccoon give you access to overkill. In need of good targets, well Looking for Trouble is a THWART event that Gamora can play in any aspect.


We have Laser Blaster and we are looking to buff up some Allies, well who better than Yondu? He can hold Upgrades and attack every turn without taking consequential. So added a few more permanent Upgrades to go with him: Inspired & Sidearm. Adding a Leadership Skill as well because it's just good for all our allies without having to be dependent on them surviving.


Well, we now have 4 Weapons in the deck between Sidearm, Laser Blaster & Gamora's Sword. We also have 3 more spots for off-aspect events. Fusillade seems like a great fit for the deck. None of the weapons care about being exhausted. Fusillade packs a nice punch to soften up an enemy before a big overkill attack.


Groot - Looking for Trouble or a random Minion may not always line up when you want them. Groot has a lot of HP and healing to sit and tank a Minion until we are ready to Overkill it. Also, Groot holds Inspired pretty well for Thwarting.

Rocket Raccoon - Not much to say here other than he comes with 4 ATK vs Minions and gets overkill without other cards. Also having 2 THW is pretty good.

Snowguard - The most versatile option. 3 ATK and overkill is Rocket Raccoon light but her 3 ATK works on the Villian. 3 THW is great if you need the extra THW. 5 HP and Retaliate is great when Looking for Trouble or a random Minion may not always line up when you want them.

Yondu - All together, Yondu can reach 5 ATK before Target Practice with Inspired, Laser Blaster, Sidearm, & Leadership Skill activation. Laser Blaster giving him overkill makes the case.

The Plan

  • Get an Ally on the board with Overkill, attach a Weapon Upgrade to said Ally, and get some amount of Target Practice on board.
  • Get a minion on the board via luck or Looking for Trouble.
  • Use Gamora basic ATK or Attack Events to soften up the Minion HP to as close to 1 as possible.
  • Attack Minion with Ally that has overkill.
  • Trigger Target Practice to either a.) Get to the HP threshold of the Minion because we couldn't soften it up enough. b.) Do more overkill damage.
  • Repeat


Leadership Skill - Not a weapon.

Inspired - Not a weapon.

"Welcome Aboard" - Gamora doesn't have the greatest economy for things that aren't Attack or Thwart. Yondu being leadership, 4 cost, and the other Allies being basic lead to the decision to go with this as my economy. 3x may be too many for the 5 allies in the deck currently but everything else is either playable with Keen Instincts or only costs 1.


Major Victory/Command Team/Get Ready - There isn't a ton of room for these types of effects. I think if I was playing multi-player these could be a consideration over some amount of allies.

Maria Hill/Ironheart/Nick Fury - Card draw allies to get you through to the cards.

Strength In Numbers - Not enough allies but it would help in assembling things.

The Power in All of Us - If Yondu wasn't Leadership, this would be in the deck.