Gambit - Thief Extraordinaire

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CardboardChampions · 531

This deck is built around flipping every single turn, handling threat consistently, and storing up counters for massive damage bursts with Gambit's identity-specific events. Basically, doing what Gambit does.

Passive Thwarting From Alter-Ego

Surveillance Team, Remy Lebeau, Creole Charmer and the allies in the deck all exist to keep threat down without ever needing to leave Alter-Ego. With all the pieces in play, your threat control is so good that most of the time you don't even have to play Breaking and Entering, but can in a pinch.

Because you're always in Alter-Ego for half your turn, Crew Quarters and X-Mansion can provide much-needed recovery, because you ideally don't want to be exhausting for anything other than Remy's Thief Extraordinaire ability.

Charge de Card, Throw de Card

We still want to flip to spend every turn in both hero and alter-ego forms so that we can continually charge up with counters, as well as drawing with Moira MacTaggert, as well as ensuring we get the charge counters from Molecular Acceleration - It specifically names Gambit, so you won't get the counters in Alter-Ego. As charge counters don't leave when you flip to Alter-Ego, we don't have to (or want to) spend them every turn. Ideally, you want to sit on 3-4 counters. This makes Rogue free or next to free whenever she hits your hand (unless you've got someone playing Rogue), as well as ensuring that every time you draw Royal Flush and Natural Agility you can play them for their maximum effect. Charged Card is good, but is only worth overcharging if you either:

  • Have more than 4 counters already to burn
  • Need damage to get rid of something right now (such as a nemesis minion or the villain's current stage
  • Need one of the keywords, for example avoiding retaliate, tough, or you're about to massively overkill a weak minion

Mutant Education

Mutant Education is secretly amazing, making the X-Mansion possibly one of the only pieces in the deck to mulligan for. Once the Mansion is in play, Mutant Education will replace itself, making your deck effectively 3 cards smaller (and justifying my bad habit of having 2 copies of cards instead of 3), increasing your odds of getting what you need. More importantly, however, it can allow you to stack your deck to ensure his most powerful cards like Royal Flush, Molecular Acceleration, and Creole Charmer come back over and over again.

Just one quick note: Mockingbirdis only here because she prevents what few attacks the villain gets to make on you in hero form. Colossus would be a much better fit, but he's currently occupied by the Rogue deck we're also playing!

There's a lot more to be said about playing this deck, but it should become fairly obvious as you give it a shot. If you're interested in more Gambit content, why not check out these articles on our site?