Hawkeye Sneak Attack Leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Amarethus · 353

How Does This Work

This deck is designed to make use of sneak attack, in conjunction with Goliath. Sneak him into play, and attack for 5 dmg, then using Command Team, ready him and attack again for 5, which will defeat him with his consequential damage, which allows you to use Rapid Response, to bring him back with 1 damage, which you can then attack for 5 again, then use Go down swinging to deal another 4 damage. 19 damage in one turn, then you still have Hawkeye and his arrows to deal with the remaining damage needed.


Sep 30, 2022 Chappykinz · 2

Hey Amarethus, if Goliath leaves play and then comes back via Rapid Response, does he still get the +4 damage from earlier that round? Wasn't sure if he would be considered a different instance of Goliath. If he doesn't get the +4 from earlier, can he still activate it again? Looks like the card says "max once per round."

Oct 24, 2022 Amarethus · 353

@Chappykinz Yes your right because of the MAX rule, which applies to every copy of that card, so even though he’s a new version by being brought back the MAX rule keeps it from activating again. Still, he can be used the next round for that damage then use go down swinging.