Adam Warlock's Super Friends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Eepop · 1

Take advantage of Adam Warlock's ability to run both Boot Camp and Team Training. Focus on allies that get lots of activations to maximize how many times those buffs can apply.

This does take awhile to build up, but once you can get a few of Boot Camp and Team Training, Mystic Senses and The Sorcerer Supreme it will really get rolling and you can keep a steady supporting cast of allies up.

Karmic Blast, Magic Attack, Cosmic Awareness, and Zone of Silence give options for large chunks of Damage or Thwart to supplement your large chip capacity through your allies.

Likely to work best teamed with faster set up characters that can keep the pressure off in the early game so Adam Warlock can take over in the mid and late game.