Natasha Works on Her Poker Face

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Playing Poker with Natasha Romanoff 859 670 37 1.0
Inspiration for
Natasha, no widow 0 0 0 1.0

BlazeFirestar · 146

Everyone and their mother has been working on a deck with Meditation. I've tried a few of them and they sometimes feel good, but most of the time it feels like a turn one triple resource, and then an incredibly situational card otherwise.

IlEmperatore's "Playing Poker with Natasha Romanoff" deck is built around staying in Alter-Ego form using Covert Ops and Counterintelligence recurrence to keep threat low, dealing damage through allies and occasionally flipping to hero to use Dance of Death. This deck is perfect for Meditation!

I've altered that great deck to work more around Meditation as a resource generator, rather than The Power of Justice that was used before. Other new cards included are Chance Encounter to draw and recur allies when side schemes are defeated. Venom and Eros are new allies to help our gameplan. Venom has great damage and Eros keeps minions from ramping up threat way too much.

A few cards I removed to make space are one copy of Foiled! and one copy of Spycraft, both of which felt more encounter specific, and could be added if you wanted to go above 40 cards. Chance Encounter is also encounter specific, so it feels closer to a tech card as well, but most of the time you'll see a side scheme or two. Daredevil was replaced with Venom and Quake replaced with Eros as they seemed to fill the same sort of roles. Both copies of The Power of Justice felt repetitive with Meditation, but you could easily add them back in or do one Power Of and two Meditation, or vice versa.

This deck seems to take one of the most fun decks in the game and make it even better (IMO), and thank you to IlEmperatore for coming up with the basis for this deck!


Feb 12, 2022 ZekeMarsh · 2

Hey, really cool deck! I just play-tested it against Klaw with Hydra Assault. One minor change I made was ditch 1 spycraft and add Quake instead - she is outrageously good against minions while staying in alter-ego due to her ability.

Mar 30, 2022 the.jxc · 8

I love this deck. I removed one [Spycraft] and replaced it with a [Sonic Cannon], which at 3 cost is a perfect target for [Meditation], and is superb value for the price IMHO.

I find [Spycraft] to be quite underwhelming. For an extra 1 cost I can use [Grappling Hook] instead and discard the Encounter Card instead of replacing it. There are plenty of other 1 cost Preparation cards -- [Attackrobatics], [Widow's Bite], [Espionage] to keep [Safe House #29] and [Black Widow's Gauntlet] busy.

The other card that I almost never use is [Chance Encounter]. I've never had trouble finding an Ally when I needed one. I'm tempted to ditch [Chance Encounter] for a second [Sonic Cannon], and perhaps ditch the last [Spycraft] for a [The Power of Justice].

Finally, I've never been a huge fan of [Lockjaw]. I'm damn tempted to swap that out for [Quake] or even go mad and put in a big fat [Spider-Man] for emergencies.