Nebula having some lethal intents concerning her allies...

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PorcoRouxo · 1

The first time I played Nebula felt pretty... weird. With the justice affinity, I felt relatively inefficient most of the game, my friends doing most of the work, until they couldn't catch up for me anymore and I had to get my ass in gear, and realizing I could play Lethal Intent during my friend's turn before my own begins, I ended up triggering every "Technique" many times for a great amount of threats removed and damages dealt.

That game made me think about her potential : she seems pretty balanced between damaging and threat removal, but she has tempos : since she relies a lot on her upgrades, you have to take some time to build something strong, and Lethal Intent is a key card in her set to maximise this potential in multiplayer mode since you have the timing to play it before your turn begins.

All of that made me think that a recursion module (Make the Call + Rapid Response) combined with heavy draw allies would fit her perfectly. The idea is that it would not only help you build your upgrades faster while your allies do the works, but also permit you to find/draw your lethal intents by using action timings during your friend's turns with some Make the Call (with Kaluu or Nick Fury to find lethal intents, or sometimes Maria to make your friends happy :P), or by draws from Avengers Mansion, Daughters of Thanos or Strength In Numbers (yep, try to not kill Gamora if you can and if these last 2 cards are still in your deck since she will be great to play them). Rapid Responses also serve that purpose since you will mostly trigger them during vilain activations for some card supply before your turn as well.

Important to notice that White Tiger and Gamora will sadly not benefit from those recursion effects tho, since they need to be played from your hand to trigger (and on a similar idea, don't use rapid response on Ant-Man, you might regret it... he is only here to fill with cheap allies).

This deck is built exclusively for multiplayer. I think most players that are used to it know the power of Maria and the recursion module, but I really find a lot of interest in decks that can use such concepts for other purposes than just a support one. I hope you'll enjoy it ;)